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A. Proclamation Recognizing the Lee County Parks and Recreation 14 -and -under All Stars <br />Youth Baseball Team — Postponed until October 151h meeting. <br />B. Proclamation Recognizing the Lee County Parks and Recreation 8 -and -under All Stars <br />Youth Baseball Team — Postponed until October 151h meeting. <br />V. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Pursuant to General Statute § 152A-52.1, Chair Dalrymple opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. No one spoke during the public comments section of the meeting. <br />Commissioner Reives moved to add an update regarding Hurricane Florence to the Agenda. <br />Upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br />County Manager John Crumpton provided a summary of staff operations. The EOC was active <br />Wednesday morning and deactivated Sunday at noon. The County was under various flood, <br />tornado, and storm warnings throughout the duration of the storm. Lee County has not yet been <br />declared eligible to qualify for an application for disaster relief assistance. <br />Emergency Services Director Shane Seagroves provided information on the storm's impact. <br />No action was taken. <br />VI. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. Presentation of Project "Thin Slice" (Old tobacco warehouse at 513 Wicker Street) <br />Planning and Community Development Director Marshall Downey provided an update <br />regarding a report from Rehab Development regarding the property at 513 Wicker Street in <br />Sanford, NC. In the spring of 2018, Downtown Sanford, Inc. (DSI) approached the City and County <br />regarding a proposal as received from Rehab Development to renovate the former tobacco <br />warehouse at 513 Wicker Street. The County, in partnership with the City of Sanford, agreed to <br />spend $13,000 ($6,500 each) to hire DFI to review Rehab's pro forma and provide an analysis to <br />local officials. DFI (Development Finance Initative, a program sponsored by the UNC School of <br />Government) presented their findings to City, County and DSI officials in April. The evaluation <br />included a plan for $9.3 million investment, 41 residential units 8,000 sf of space and about 50 <br />parking spaces. The UNC School of Government Development Finance Initiative worked on <br />developing a proposal in the spring of 2018. In April, UNC completed the analysis and presented <br />findings to staff. The three asks included the City granting historical landmark status, the County <br />providing a performance grant or forgivable loan of $650,000, and a 95% tax abatement on all City, <br />County, and MSD taxes for a period of 10 years. Downtown Sanford Inc. has made a request for a <br />loan from Golden Leaf to allow them to take control of the property. Rehab Development has an <br />option on the property until tomorrow, September 18th. County Manager John Crumpton stated <br />that in discussing this with DSI there was a need to take control of the building. No loans have <br />been made out of the Golden Leaf fund except to SAGA. There is currently $850,000 left in the <br />fund. To go through the loan process, there would need to be a loan and deed of trust along with a <br />public hearing. Also, policy would need to be waived to permit moving forward. Parts of the building <br />presently are already generating revenue through two tenants. While DSI would market the <br />Page 417 <br />