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request is 85% reimbursement for vehicle insurance on 18 vehicles. $302,475.00 in capital <br />funds is requested with a required 10% local match of $30,248, which go toward five <br />replacement 20 foot LTV lift equipped vehicles. At this time, Chair Dalrymple opened the public <br />hearing for comment. No one spoke in favor or against the Community Transportation Program <br />FY 2020 grant application. Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />B. Joint public hearing with the Lee County Planning Board for the Future Land Use Plan <br />Lee County Planner David Montgomery provided information about the Future Land Use <br />Plan. The draft plan and map are available to the public on the website: <br />A Future Land Use Plan is intended to serve as both a physical and policy plan to guide each <br />jurisdiction's development over the next 20 to 30 years. The last land use plan was adopted in <br />1999 and many changes have occurred to the environment since that time. The primary <br />function of the new plan is to provide a long-range comprehensive planning tool, a "blueprint" <br />focusing on policies that guide the environment. The plan is designed to be user-friendly <br />providing guidance to developers, citizens, staff, and decision makers during the review of <br />rezoning requests, site plan proposals and subdivision proposals. The plan identifies areas of <br />future growth, while also promoting infill, revitalization, reinvestment and reuse of the existing <br />infrastructure. The updated plan establishes a clear vision of what the community wants to <br />become, develops meaningful objectives, as well as recommend strategies and policies for the <br />implementation of the plan. <br />Update of the plan began in the summer of 2016 with interviews with area stakeholders, <br />followed by four public meetings and a survey of citizens in the fall of 2016. The Joint Planning <br />Commission served as the on-going steering committee, periodically guiding the planning staff <br />and consultant in the development of the plan. After four iterations of the document based upon <br />feedback from the JPC and individual planning boards, a draft plan was introduced to the public <br />in early summer of 2018 in the format of two public drop-in session meetings. Jason Epley with <br />Benchmark Planning out of Charlotte, NC provided a presentation summarizing details of the <br />Future Land Use Plan and the process used. During the process, staff of Benchmark Planning <br />met with key stakeholders including over 70 people regarding the process and seeking advice <br />regarding land use. Public input was sought at various public meetings and a survey was <br />conducted. The plan focuses on place types that are designated based on the character and <br />context of a place. It's about implementing a long term vision regarding specific areas of the <br />County. Place types include Countryside, Profession and Institutional Campus, Downtown, and <br />Village Center. Following the implementation of the land use plan, amendments will be made to <br />the Unified Development Ordinance reflecting the planned uses. County Attorney Whitney <br />Parrish stated a second public hearing will be held October 150' to accommodate anyone who <br />was unable to attend and speak due to road closures. At this time, Chair Dalrymple opened the <br />public hearing for comment. <br />No one spoke in favor of the proposed Future Land Use Plan. <br />The following people spoke against the Future Land Use Plan: <br />- Robert Payne Jr., 5014 Old Moncure Road, Sanford, NC <br />- The County Manager wanted to submit a letter received from David Clegg (County <br />Manager/County Attorney Terrel County) who owns property off of Lower Moncure Road <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />IV. PROCLAMATIONS <br />Page 317 <br />