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2011 - 06-20-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 06-20-2011 Reg. Meeting
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7/27/2011 8:45:58 AM
Creation date
7/27/2011 8:42:59 AM
Board of Commissioners
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Q0101' 24 <br />person- one - vote" principle under which all electoral districts for the same office must be more or less <br />the same size. At a previous meeting the Board of Commissioners directed Strategic Services staff <br />and the County Attorney to develop alternative redistricting maps that would comply with the law related <br />to redistricting and would allow the County to redistrict in a timely manner. Mr. Talbert stated that when <br />redrawing district lines to correct a population imbalance, all persons living in a district must be <br />counted, even those not eligible to vote. It was further stated that the County must obtain approval <br />from the US Department of Justice ( USDOJ) before making any change in election procedures, <br />including changing electoral district boundaries, through a review procedure called "pre- clearance." <br />During the preclearance review, the USDOJ will make a judgment concerning whether all required laws <br />and guidelines emphasis on whether the proposed new district boundaries preserve the County's one <br />existing "minority district" making it likely that African - Americans or other minorities will be able to elect <br />candidates of their choice or whether the proposed new minority district causes a "retrogression" of that <br />ability. Strategic Services Director Don Kovasckitz provided data concerning the 2010 redistricting plan <br />to Board members. Four (4) alternate redistricting plans were created and presented for <br />Commissioners to consider and review with relevant population, population deviation, and demographic <br />data, and maps. Mr. Talbert stated that a public hearing is not required by law on the redistricting plan <br />or alternate plans but is advisable because the matter is one of great public interest. If a public hearing <br />is held, at least two of the four alternative redistricting plans should be submitted for comment and <br />discussion. After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to hold a public hearing at the July 18, 2011 <br />meeting of the Board and present Plans A and D for consideration and discussion. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a revised Lee County Animal Control Ordinance. Deputy Attorney Dale <br />Talbert presented an amended Animal Control Ordinance that Health Department staff and Health <br />Board members have been working on for over a year. A series of public meetings were held across <br />the county where citizens could address concerns they had with the proposed new Ordinance. Health <br />Department staff Heath Cain discussed identified concerns that were addressed by the Board of Health <br />(BOH) through the new proposed amendments. One concern was that the proposed Ordinance <br />required an animal impounded for running at large for the second time was to be neutered as a <br />condition of returning to the owner. Owners of pedigreed breeding animals argued the provision could <br />impose an unreasonable financial hardship on them. The BOH responded to this concern by proposing <br />an amendment to the provision providing for an exemption from the neutering requirement if the owner <br />of the animal found running at large reported it missing within three business days of impoundment. <br />Another concern was that plastic barrels should not be allowed as permissible shelters for dogs. This <br />issue was addressed by proposing to eliminate plastic barrels as proper shelters. Another concern was <br />that a proposed prohibition against tethering animals for more than 12 hours in a 24 -hour period would <br />be unenforceable. This concern was addressed to considering an "attended tethering" requirement and <br />a total prohibition of tethering. The BOH recommends the Ordinance establish an "attended tethering" <br />provision authorizing tethering only if "the owner at all times.... outside and within eyesight of a tethered <br />animal." The final comment considered by the BOH concerned the minimum size of pens that are <br />required should an owner of an animal decides to keep the animal in a pen. Owners of pedigreed and <br />hunting animals suggested that the minimum pen size be reduced because they sometimes desired to <br />keep animals that were in heat or being temporarily restrained for other reasons in the smaller pens. <br />The BOH responded to this concern by suggesting that a temporary exemption of the minimum pen <br />size be authorized for up to 30 days once every six months upon request of the owner and an animal <br />services officer's approval of the pen. It was also stated that since the time the Animal Control <br />
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