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GOO <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a contract with Moseley Architects to begin the design of architectural <br />plans for the courthouse basement renovation project. County Manager John Crumpton updated the <br />Board on the project presented at the June 6 meeting for a backup 911 Center, Emergency <br />Operations Center, Emergency Management Offices, Sheriff's Office expansion, Jail security <br />enhancements and Clerk of Court record storage in the basement of the Courthouse. After discussion, <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve a contract addendum with Moseley Architects in the amount <br />of $74,000 for professional services, a copy of which is attached to these minutesand by this reference <br />made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: n <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted <br />The Board considered a request from the Boys &�Giils Clul�Nfor a letter of commitment in <br />reference to a HUD application. Mr. Bo Hedrick, Director of "the Boys/ &'Girls Club discussed a federal <br />grant application submitted by the Sanford Housing Authority (SHA) for a $2.4 million facility to replace <br />the 200 Church Street Club Unit that was previously denied by HUD. The proposed new facility would <br />house the Boys & Girls Club programs and CCCC classes. The Boys & '/Girls Club has committed <br />$50,000 to the project along with $450,000 from the SHA. Reviewers odthe application indicated it was <br />denied (according to their grading scale) due to'the lack of community support. Although the grant was <br />denied, SHA learned that it made the top 30 out of 300•applications and is being reconsidered because <br />HUD has re- issued additional money under the\'same- RFP� Hedrick asked Commissioners for a <br />written commitment to be used in the re- submission ofthe grant to HUD indicating that contingent upon <br />the grants approval, the County would appropriate <br />the project. After discussion, Commissioner Re <br />reference project be made available stating that <br />contingent upon approval of the.HUD application. <br />Aye: Hayes, Old <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the <br />red <br />,000 capital investment (one -time agreement) for <br />moved that a commitment letter for the above - <br />ie -time $50,000 capital investment is provided, <br />n a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />been adopted unanimously. <br />2011 -12 Budget Ordinance. The following budget items were <br />Commissioner Womack expressed his dis- satisfaction with the Lee County School Board for <br />not providing contracts as requested by Commissioners. He further moved that the County <br />amend our physical policy that includes multiple year contracts. County Manager John <br />Crumpton stated he wasn't sure if this would be legal. Commissioner Womack withdrew his <br />motion until the County Manager and legal counsel can research. <br />(2) Commissioner Womack moved funding for the Temple Theater be considered in the amount <br />of $6,000 with $2,500 being deducted from the Commissioner Travel line item and the <br />remaining $3,500 coming from Commissioners' paychecks evenly divided. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />