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G66 <br />asking that a representative from that office be present at the April 7, 2008 meeting to discuss the <br />® financial statement. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Quiggle, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Mr. Crumpton also presented an update on the Community Development Block Grant <br />(CDBG) program. <br />Commissioner Shook asked that thank-you letters be sent to the Lee County Arts Council, <br />Willing Hands, Inc., Santee Rotary, and United Way for grants and contributions to the THANKS <br />Program at Youth Services. <br />Commissioner Quiggle read the following statement "On January 22, 2007, this board <br />passed a resolution that called for the legislature to impose an additional 1 cent increase in the <br />sales tax to meet the capital needs of the schools and Central Carolina Community College. Now <br />this same board has backed away from the capital needs specifically for Lee County High School <br />and a classroom building on the campus of Central Carolina Community College while asking <br />voters to approve a X-cent sales tax for any and all capital needs of the county. I am troubled <br />that, on February 18, 2008, l voted on the revised resolution specifically stripping any references <br />for the renovation of Lee County Senior High School and the classroom building for the <br />community college - a resolution that was different from the resolution in our agenda packets. <br />S The removal of those projects from the resolution in our packets, by the Finance <br />Committee, has been taken by many as an indication that this board does not intend to fund those <br />two projects. I have been asked by many in the community if this board truly supports the original <br />request for a sales tax for the capital constructions needs for education and 1 cannot reassure <br />them. The renovation of Lee County Senior High School was overwhelmingly supported by those <br />speaking on behalf of the new %-cent sales tax during public comments at the previous two <br />Commissioner's meetings. Do we, as a board, not owe the public an unqualified position as to <br />our intentions upon voter approval of the sales tax? <br />It is time for some straight talk. If we expect the voters to entrust this board of <br />commissioners with the borrowing capacity made possible by the X-cent increase in sales and <br />use taxes, we have to be straight forward with the voters of this county about our plans. I <br />challenge each of us to have the courage to stand up and declare our intentions today by <br />announcing our support for the renovation of Lee County Senior High School and the classroom <br />building for the community college. The public is waiting to see if we have listened to them". <br />Commissioner Reives discussed 911 funds that will be earmarked and placed in the <br />County's General Fund. Mr. Crumpton stated the State 911 Board has requested that a contract <br />between the City of Sanford and Lee County be signed before any 911 funds will be distributed. It <br />was also noted that the State 911 Board has asked that the agreement be approved by their April <br />11, 2008 meeting. After some discussion, Commissioner Reives moved that elected officials from <br />the City and County work on a contract for 911 services and 911 funds. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Quiggle, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />