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61 P) <br />EE COUNTY <br />rt _ <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ITEM ABSTRACT ITEM NO. III. F. <br />_ Information <br />Meeting Date: April 7, 2008 _ Action Item <br />)6 Consent Agenda <br />SUBJECT: Budget Amendment #04/07/08/20 <br />DEPARTMENT: Finance <br />CONTACT PERSON: Lisa G. Minter, Finance Director <br />REQUEST: Approval of Budget Amendment #04/07/08/20 <br />SUMMARY: Budget Amendment #04107/08/20 appropriates funds for the following <br />departments: Health - Family Planning - The Health Department has received an additional allocation of <br />$4,735 for family planning services. No additional County dollars are required. Library - The Library has <br />received an additional allocation of State-aid in the amount of $2,996. $1,048 will be used to purchase a <br />laptop computer for staff use in the children's area of the library. The remaining $1,948 will added to the <br />book line item. Register of Deeds - Register of Deeds is using $854 of Automation Funds to purchase a <br />computer for the office. The funds are included in the County's Fund Balance. Elections - The Elections <br />budget is being increased $31,947. $28,436 relates to the cost of the ABC election. $3,511 is being put <br />iiitu technology equipment to cover the replacement costs of wo laptops stolen. Tile funds are being taken <br />from the Emergency and Contingency line item. General Services - Maintenance-Buildings is being <br />increased $9,393 to cover the cost to up-fit the courthouse for the Clerk of Courts VOIP phone system as <br />approved by the Board on 3/17/08. $3,021 of the costs is being covered by the Clerk of Courts budget. <br />The remaining $6,372 is being taken from Emergency & Contingency. Sheriff - The Sheriffs Department <br />budget is being increased by $57,401 to cover the cost of hardware and software that will be used on the <br />laptops that the Sheriffs Department has. The current software is not SBI compliant. Funds for this will <br />come from the E911 funds transferred to the General Fund's fund balance. <br />BUDGET IMPACT: See above <br />ATTACHMENT(S): Budget Amendment #03117/08/18 <br />Supporting documents are available in the Clerk's Office for review. <br />PUBLIC HEARING: No <br />PRIOR BOARD ACTION: N/A <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve Budget Amendment #03/17/08/18 <br />