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G 0 9 <br />® LEE ~.0UNTY <br />`fir rt i` i~..~~ x..e..k. wht.. .Tr'~ j l -i { <br />Committed Today for a Better TOmT5_r_r0Vm,, I-A w3 <br />MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORK SC~SSTON <br />BETWEEN THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />AND <br />THE LEE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION <br />MARCH 24, 2008 <br />The joint work session between the Lee County Board of Commissioners and the Lee <br />County Board of Education, convened at 5:00 p.m. in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room, Lee <br />County Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. <br />Commissioners present were Robert H. Brown, Nathan E. Paschal, John T. Quiggle, Robert T. <br />Reives, and Linda A. Shook. Commissioner James C. Kelly was absent and Commissioner Jerry <br />M Lemmond joined the meeting at approximately 5:15 p.m. <br />Chairman Brown presided and called the meeting to order. <br />Chairman Brown delivered the invocation and the pledge of allegiance was recited <br />Chairman Brown stated that only the two Boards would participate in discussion, no public <br />comments would be allowed, and members from the Economic Development Corporation Board <br />and Central Carolina Community College had been invited. <br />Board of Education members Ms. Ellen Mangum and Dr. Lynn Smith presented seven (7) <br />goals that supported program development, recognized student diversity, encouraged growth in <br />student achievement, and inspired professional growth activities for teachers, staff, and <br />administrators. <br />County Manager John Crumpton discussed County budgets that have been submitted for <br />FY 2008-09. Mr. Crumpton stated he had asked each of the departments to make cuts in their <br />budgets this year because Commissioners did not want to raise property taxes. It was noted that <br />eighteen (18) of the twenty-four (24) departments have submitted budgets with no additional <br />increases. Without the '/4-cent sales tax, no further spending, including most all of the capital <br />expenditures will make the budget. An estimated $95 million in capital requests have been asked <br />for over the next five (5) years between the schools and community college- Mr_ Crumpton <br />stated, "Without the sales tax, we can't do anything and with the sales tax we can only make a <br />dent in what is needed." <br />The Board of Education asked the Commissioners to dedicate revenues generated from <br />the '/4-cent sales tax, if approved in May, for renovation projects at Lee County High School, and <br />that wording be changed on a pamphlet that has been prepared by County staff, to state the <br />revenue would be used specifically for renovations at Lee County High School. Commissioners <br />stated in a resolution passed earlier in the year that the revenue would be used for capital projects <br />