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04? <br />John Crumpton <br />From: Ryan Draughn <br />Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 12.58 PM <br />S To: John Crumpton <br />Subject: FW [nclgisa] Court telephone requirements <br />Hi John, <br />i had breakfast with Rebecca Troutman at my conference last week and she passes along a <br />"he].l.o" to you. I also spoke co her following the wrap-up session where she mentioned that <br />the AOC is trying to force counties to supporL and maintain the actual phone systems in <br />the -uture. I do hope that the NrACC .`-.ghts this one hard. We have already seen where our <br />"new" resocnsibii.ity to maintain, -..t. structore has had liberal appli caticr,s or my <br />department involvement. A recent example came a couple monChs aco when we scent a week <br />troable-shooticg a courtroom "audio" issue that the AOC oetermineu was a cabling issue <br />(turned out not Lo be). <br />In regards to the recent reouest `rpm AOC to upgrade our data ci,osets in preparation for <br />their phone system: <br />We have a detailed project. assessment after mounnn al..) stakeholders at the courthouse <br />last week. We are estimating costs now and as soon as it is compiled, I wii] forward to <br />you. General Services has already -stated that they would likely be contracting out the <br />electrical work as it wil]. be very involved. <br />Troutman's email co my listserv is below in case you had not seen it. <br />Ryan Draoghn <br />Original Message----- <br />From Rebecca Troutman [eat Ito: rebecca. troutmav@ncacc_org] <br />Sent: Tue 10/30/2007 9:14 AM <br />To: The ncl.oisa mailing list <br />Subject: [nclgisa] Court telephone requirements <br />Dear County IT Directors, <br />r. mmmber of you may have received a .letter from the AdminisLrative Office of the Courts, <br />requesting your county to respond with 4, days whether it is able to upgrade specific <br />wiring and data closet modifications, based or. a site survey in preparation of the AOC's <br />VOIP installation. I spoke with Cliff Layman, the AOC CIO, about this unexpected request. <br />Fe apologized for the late notice but said his department was pushing to get as many VOIP <br />installations funded by ADC completed before July I, 2008. At that time, unless <br />legislative action is taken, counties will be reauired to fully fund all telephone system <br />upgrades based on AOC standards, per a special provision in the state's <br />2007 budget bill (H1473). Furthermore, counties will be incurring line charges in excess <br />of $3 million annually. NCACC will be working co overturn this special provision- <br />Rebecca Troutman, Intergovernmental Relations Director NCACC 915.-715.4360 <br />To unsubscribe send an unsubscribe messace that says [unsubscribe nclaisal to <br /> <br />0 <br />