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Agenda Package - 02-18-08 (Finance)
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Agenda Package - 02-18-08 (Finance)
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4/3/2009 10:39:18 AM
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IT Support Analyst - Justification Supplement <br />Historical Timeline <br />Department of Social Services has historically possessed a dedicated staff person for desktop support and will <br />not be included in this analysis. However, significant time and resources from IT have been spent over the years <br />supporting the approx. 90 DSS staff.) <br />1996 - MIS (IT) Department Formed: Need was justified as an extension of data processing services of the Tax <br />department. Initially, department consisted of l director and 1 data processing technician. Also in '96, an IT <br />consultant was hired bringing department total to (3) employees. Support included Tax, Finance, FIR, <br />Administration, Library, Sheriff's Department Administration, and Elections. However, these departments <br />mainly operated on "dumb terminals" with the entire Lee County government owning approximately 20 PCs. <br />With the data processing technician supporting hosted or "mainframe" style operations, the user to desktop <br />support ratio was approximately 20-1 <br />1999 - Additional IT Consultant hired to handle added demand of County departments coming "online". At this <br />time, several remote offices were networked via ISDN connections. PCs were acquired on a department by <br />department basis. Main department application services still ran in a hosted environment with the data <br />processing technician in support. The Public Health department, Senior Services, Public Works, and Jail <br />became part of the wide area network and slowly acquired PCs for their operational services. PC device to <br />desktop support ratio was approximately 100-2 (50-1) <br />Present - In 2007, practically all County departments operate in a client server environment with PCs on <br />employee's desktops. Beginning in 2004, major efforts were made to create a centralized administration. In <br />005, a standardization project was launched that created a unified user desktop with data stored on network <br />rvers running one main operating system. The IT department now supports 18 departments, over 320 users, <br />and 25 servers running applications that were traditionally housed in a hosted mainframe environment. Again, <br />this does not include DSS operation which recently reacquired their desktop support technician. PC device to <br />desktop support ratio is approximately 320-2 (160-1) <br />Since 1996, IT has evolved beyond a department focused on maintaining the mainframe application processes. <br />The data processing technician position has evolved to IT Systems/Telecommunication analyst who now <br />supports the organization's main client/server applications in Tax, Finance, Administration, HR, General <br />Services, Library, and Sheriff. Our Munis financial package extends to practically every department. This staff <br />person also administers the County phone and voice systems. Unfortunately, this person spends many hours <br />away from these services to cover helpdesk duties. It is not uncommon for 30 to 40 work requests to be in queue <br />waiting for resolution at any given time. With average resolution times approaching 2 weeks, this creates many <br />issues. The current staff operates at 100% capacity with no time for planning, scheduled updates, or even <br />routine maintenance. <br />The IT consultant positions have evolved to IT Systems/Network Administrators who are responsible for <br />supporting the network infrastructure, security attacks, data integrity and redundancy, regulatory issues, web <br />services, wireless services, remote services, various departmental applications, and enhanced messaging <br />applications supporting customers in over 13 different locations across the county. In addition to providing <br />these critical services, IT must also support helpdesk operations to the user base. These daily support and <br />troubleshooting requests come from the entire organization and are often critical to allow employees the ability <br />o do theirjob functions. Although the skill set and pay level are higher than thejob class necessary to perform <br />is job function the helpdesk issues are fielded by the Systems/Network Administrators. These administrators <br />a//lso deploy as many as 60 replacement PCs annually as part of the new PC replacement policy. At this time, it <br />is estimated that these Network Administrators spend an average of 20 hours/each a week each to cover <br />helpdesk duties. <br />
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