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0131 <br />• LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: John Crumptou, County Manager <br />FROM: Ryan B. Drauchn_ IT Director <br />DATE: September 12, 2007 <br />SUBJECT: IT Support Analyst Justification <br />During the FY2007-2008 Budget planning cycle, the requested position of IT Support <br />Analyst (Requested Salary: 539,872 excl. fi-inges) was removed. This marked the third <br />40 consecutive year that this request ryas denied. However. the County continually deploys <br />technology related projects often without consideration of IT personnel necessary to <br />support it. <br />As part of my budget planning, 1 included a contingency plan for contracted help desk <br />support in the amount of $28,600. This amount was derived based on past contracted <br />services for this level of employee of $27.50 for 1040 hours (6 months). History has <br />shown that this service is required as there are not enough IT personnel to keep systems <br />running at the level that is expected by our departments and ultimately the citizens of Lee <br />County. <br />The duties of this requested position would be a front line help-desk support position who <br />would respond to the many daily issues that arise in our organization. Currently, this <br />function falls to our network administrators that have to neglect the much larger <br />administration tasks of data management, email, network health, security controls, <br />installations/upgrades, and wide-area network connectivity that have a much larger <br />impact should systems fail. <br />In speaking with the Interim Manager/Finance Director after the budget was adopted, we <br />proposed funding the I'l technician position beginning mid-year utilizing the contracted <br />service funds. 1 have enclosed the supporting information justifying this request. Please <br />let me know if there any items that 1 need to provide clarification on. I commend the <br />Commissioners of advocating technology driven projects and the funding of this position <br />would greatly enhance and protect their investment. <br />