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020 <br />LEE.. COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ITEM ABSTRACT ITEM NO. III. G. <br />Information <br />Meeting Date: February 4, 2008 _ Action Item <br />XX 'Consent Agenda <br />SUBJECT: Amendment to Gymnastics Lease <br />DEPARTMENT: Parks & Recreation <br />CONTACT PERSON: John W. Payne, Director <br />REQUEST: Consider and approve revision to lease for gymnastics facility at <br />Moore Business Park. <br />SUMMARY: The Board previously approved a 3-year lease agreement for <br />gymnastics. In applying for permits to up fit the building, it was <br />determined the building would require installation of a sprinkler <br />system. The landlord agrees to make this investment provided the <br />County enters into a 5-year lease agreement. The total cost of the <br />lease remains the same as the 3-year lease and holdover period. <br />BUDGET IMPACT: The current year impact can be met within the existing budget by <br />using funds budgeted for gymnastics equipment. Impact in future <br />years can be met through increased revenue from fees and growth <br />in participation in the program. <br />ATTACHMENT(S): Amended Lease Agreement <br />PUBLIC HEARING: No <br />PRIOR BOARD ACTION: Approved 3-year Lease Agreement on November 5, 2007 <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve amended Lease Agreement as drafted by the County <br />Attorney. <br />r <br />5T <br />r5rl <br />