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GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />SESSION 2007 <br />SESSION LAW 2007-383 <br />HOUSE BILL 1755 <br />AN ACT TO MODERNIZE AND IMPROVE THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE <br />STATE'S 911 SYSTEM THROUGH A STATEWIDE 911 BOARD, BY <br />ENSURING THAT ALL VOICE SERVICES CONTRIBUTE TO THE 911 <br />SYSTEM AND BY PROVIDING PARITY IN THE QUALITY OF SERVICE <br />AND THE LEVEL OF 911 CHARGES ACROSS VOICE COMMUNICATIONS <br />SERVICE PROVIDERS. <br />Whereas, maintaining an efficient Enhanced 911 system across the State <br />benefits all citizens and not just certain localities; and <br />Whereas, the Wireless 911 Board has successfully administered the statewide <br />wireless Enhanced 911 system for many years; and <br />Whereas, local governments have administered a similar wireline Enhanced <br />911 system for their local jurisdictions; and <br />Whereas, the average monthly 911 service charges paid to local governments <br />by local exchange company customers exceeds the average monthly 911 service charges <br />paid to the Wireless 911 Board by wireless company customers, thereby creating an <br />unfair competitive advantage for wireless companies; and <br />Whereas, some VoIP-enabled providers do not currently support the <br />Enhanced 911 system by collecting 911 service charges; and <br />Whereas, the consolidation of the State's Enhanced 911 system under a single <br />board with a uniform 911 service charge will improve the integration of the State's 911 <br />system, enhance efficiency and accountability, and create a level competitive playing <br />field among voice communications technologies; Now, therefore, <br />The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br />SECTION 1.(a) Chapter 62A of the General Statutes is amended by adding <br />a new Article to read: <br />"Article 3. <br />"Emergency Telephone Service. <br />I62A-40. Definitions. <br />The following definitions apply in this Article. <br />911 Board. -The 911 Board established in G S 62A-41 <br />911 Fund. - The North Carolina 911 Fund established in G S 62A-43 <br />911 State Plan. - A document prepared maintained and updated by <br />the 911 Board that provides a comprehensive plan for communicating <br />911 call information across networks and among PSAPs addresses all <br />