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NCACC <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />the local option revenue sources and the referendum process? <br />Answer: Yes. Similar to an election for a general obligation bond, a county may spend <br />is money to educate the public on issues related to either of the new local option <br />revenue sources. However, a county may not spend money asking the voters to <br />approve a sales tax or land transfer tax referendum. <br />Question: Can members of a county board of commissioners actively promote the <br />passage of a referendum for the new local option revenue sources? <br />Answer: Yes. The board of commissioners may approve resolutions in support of the <br />passage of a referendum for the new local option revenue sources. A county <br />commissioner may publicly endorse and support local option revenue sources. <br />Question: Can a county reverse its decision to levy the new local option sales tax, <br />and instead levy the local option transfer tax (or vice versa)? <br />Answer: It is possible to repeal either of the new local option revenues sources and <br />hold a referendum on the other revenue source. You are not required to repeal the <br />existing revenue source prior to holding an advisory referendum on the other revenue <br />source, but a county may only levy one local option revenue source. The transfer tax <br />can be repealed (or the rate reduced) via resolution. The repeal will not take effect <br />until the end of the fiscal year in which the resolution was passed. The new sales tax <br />can be repealed only by special election, at the request of the board of <br />commissioners, or by written petition. <br />As with any local legal matter, we ask that you consult with your county attorney and <br />county board of elections as you consider these local referendum options. <br />E <br />httn-//WWW. ncacC (11'Q~iPPPmrvanthnriL, nR.a hr-l <br />