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k i 'A <br />• <br />Work Tasks <br />• Seek creative ways to identify community goals and objectives as foundation for the regional <br />LRTP and the proposed county, multi-modal comprehensive transportation plans (ongoing) <br />• Develop stakeholder survey to establish RPO goals and objectives (ongoing) <br />• Prioritize needs for Comprehensive Transportation Plans (FY 08-09 Through FY 12-13) <br />• Support the regional transit stakeholders group and participate in scheduled meetings, <br />including Orange, Lee and Chatham Counties (ongoing) <br />• Support community transportation service providers in a regional transit development planning <br />study - Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties (FY 08-09 Through FY 09-10) <br />• Identify elements in existing local transportation plans that require modification (ongoing) <br />• Coordinate with the NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation for updates to <br />the route maps in the Triangle Area RPO area (FY 08-09 Through FY 12-13) <br />• Coordinate with MPOs and other stakeholders in implementing strategies to improve regional <br />air quality (ongoing) <br />• Coordinate with CAMPO and DCHC LRTP updates (ongoing) <br />Outcomes <br />• Compilation of existing local transportation plans <br />• Network of transportation stakeholders within the region <br />• Foundation for a Regional Multi-Modal Long Range Transportation Plan <br />• Regional transit development plan study <br />e <br />W~~ 1111 e e e 11112-M-1 <br />Goal <br />To establish a process for identifying and prioritizing transportation projects for inclusion on the State <br />Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and to provide quality information to inform decision- <br />makers as they develop priorities. <br />Work Tasks <br />• Develop a process for prioritizing STIP projects (ongoing) <br />• Coordinate meaningful public involvement in the STIP process jongoing) <br />• Generate a prioritized list of projects for the next STIP (FY 09-10) <br />• Track STIP projects within the RPO area (ongoing) <br />• <br />Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization 2 Five Year Planning Calendar <br />Goal <br />To conduct planning activities that will build capacity and expertise in long range transportation <br />planning and in multi-modal comprehensive planning. <br />