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NOW. THEREFORE the Grantors, for valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby <br />ackno,'Iedeed, have remised and released and by these presents do remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the Grantee <br />and her heirs and assigns all right, title, claim, and interest of the said Grantors, including, but not limited to, the right and <br />asement of egress, ingress, and regress, in and to that certain Thirty Foot (30~ Roadway Easemem lying and being in Lee <br />0ounry. %crib Carolina and d more particularly described as follows: <br />13FIN'G ALL that easement for ingress. egress, and regress from that certain parcel of land conui <br />I Lou acres more of less, as shown on map recorded in Plat Cabinet No S. Slide 92A, Lee Count, <br />Reeistry, to the loneshoce "Cram~rav Road, which easement is more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the northerly nmrgin oFthe said Jonesboro-Iramnvay Poad, Ir'hich point is <br />marked by an iron pipe set and which point is located 425 S feet in a generally northeasterly direction <br />nom the point where the centerline of Hickory House Road extended intersects the northern rvht of way <br />of Nonh Carolina Highway 78- and running thence nosh 26 degrees 30 minutes west 200 lent to an iron <br />pipe lei, thence south 86 degrees 25 minute west 350.9 feet to an iron pipe set, thence north 04 degrees <br />00 minutes east approximately 30 feet to a palm, thence north 86 degrees 25 minutes east approx i ma to lv <br />3309 feet to a point. thence south 26 degrees 30 minutes east apptosi mately 200 feet to the northerly <br />mar vin of the said Jonesboro-Tramway Road_ thence 11 fill the northerly margin of the to icsbom- <br />Tramvcay Road approximately 30 feet to the point of the beginning the same being if 30-foot ,'life strip <br />of land for use as a private Ioadreay casement for the benefit of the aforementioned 12 66 ace tract. <br />AND I URTHER BEING that same 30 foot private roadway easement depicted on a map entitled <br />"Put non of Ubrthy House Lands belongirig to Ruby C DlcSwain" Jonesboro Township-Sanford -Lee <br />Count'-N.C.. Scale I-100", October Z. 1997, by Hal T_ Siler, Registered Land SuncwT. to which map, <br />recorded in Lee County Regisirv in Plat Cabinet No. R_ Slide 92A, reference is hereby made fora mote <br />perfect description. <br />Ilse pioperO. heOnnabove described was acquired by Grantors by instruments recorded in Book 624, Pave 366, and Nook <br />670 Paec 2113. I_ee County Registry. <br />f0 fLAVI AND TO BOLD the aforesaid real property and appunenances thereto belonvrng to the Grantee, her beus and <br />;,urns Cure and diseharved from any right, title- claim- or interest of the said Grantors of anyone claimmg by_ through, or <br />under theta. <br />THIS IS V QUITCLAIM DEED OF RELEASE 01= I ASFMENT. GRAN"FORS iXIAKG NO WARPJVATIES OF TITLE <br />TIIE F012EGOWG DESCRIM ION WAS PREPARED FROM INI'ORMAIION CONIFALIII:1) IN DEED RECORDED IN <br />BOOK 624_ A I PAGE 366, AND AMENDED LEASE RECORDED IN BOOK 570, Al PAGE 203. I_EE COUNTY <br />REGISTRY. AND NEITHER TIIE INDIVIDUAL NOR LAW FIRM PRFPARER OI-"PHIS INSTRUMENT <br />PERFORbIFD ANY FIT1_In EXAMINATION WORK. OR CONDUCTED OR PAR I ICIPATI1) IN AiNG' CLOSING <br />RETA FLD TO THE "TRANSACTION LN VOLVING THIS WSI RUMEN I , <br />IN NVI'I'NESS WHEREOF , the Grantors have hacunto set their hands and seals the day and year First aboee w-i nei <br />GRAN "TORS- <br />0 <br />GAYhNKLL M. LEe_ CLEEK <br />"NIF NOR -I II CAROLfNA AGRICUIIURgL I OUiNRDAfION. <br />INC-, A NORTH CAROLINA NONPROFIT CORPORA HON <br />DRAFT <br />(SEAL) <br />KFI I II D. GAKLIIY. IlS PRFSIDENT <br />COUNTY OF LEE, ONE OF IIIF COUNTI ES OF THE ST ATE Of <br />NOR III CAROUNNAgpAAND AA BT99pgOODY DOTtI POLI"I IC AND CORPORA H <br />By 9~'0'\ T <br />R06RRT 11 BROWN, CHAIRMAN <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OP COMNIIS,SiOFERS <br />PAGr 2 OF 3 PAGES <br />