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Section 9. TEMPORARY LIVING EXPENSES <br />A. The County agrees to pay Manager the sum of seven hundred and fifty <br />dollars ($750.00) per month as temporary living expenses until he <br />secures a residence for his family in Lee County but no longer than five <br />(5) months, whichever event first occurs. <br />Section 10. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT <br />A. Manager shall agree to establish residency within Lee County within <br />five (5) months of employment with Lee County and thereafter to <br />reside within the County. <br />Section 11. TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE <br />A. County hereby agrees to budget for and to pay the travel and <br />subsistence of Manager for professional and official travel and <br />meetings to continue the professional development of Manager and to <br />adequately pursue necessary official and other functions for the <br />County, as approved in advance by the Chairman of the Board of <br />Commissioners. Whenever employee intends to travel out of the <br />County on County business, overnight or out of the State of North <br />Carolina, he shall confer with the Chairman of the Board of <br />Commissioners prior to such travel. The Manager shall be entitled to <br />receive reimbursement for any of his reasonable out-of-pocket <br />expenses incurred during attendance at any conference, training, <br />school or in-service training program, as well as any and all reasonable <br />out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Manager in the normal course <br />of employment in carrying out business of the County, which <br />reimbursement shall be reasonable and in accordance with the policies <br />and amounts of reimbursement in force and allowed from time to time <br />by the Lee County Travel Policy and the then current per diem rates for <br />federal employees. <br />Section 12. DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS <br />A. County agrees to budget and to pay for the professional dues and <br />subscriptions of Manager necessary for his continuation and full <br />participation in national, regional, state and other local associations <br />and organization for his continued professional participation, growth <br />and advancement, and for the good of the County. These <br />memberships shall consist of those which have been customarily and <br />® traditionally budgeted by the County or others as may be approved by <br />the Board of Commissioners. <br />6 <br />