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~f ii I) <br />z <br />Triangle J Council of Governments Executive Director or his/her designated staff <br />® representative. The RTCC shall by majority vote of the membership elect one member to <br />serve as a Chairman with the responsibility for coordinating the committee's activities. <br />Membership of the RTCC may be altered on the basis of a majority vote of its membership <br />and approval of the RTAC of the RPO. <br />Section 5. It is further agreed that all participating agencies will assist in the rural transportation <br />planning process by providing planning assistance (where possible), data, and inventories in accordance <br />with the approved PWP. <br />Section 6. Each county and its RPO member jurisdictions shall have the support of the RPO staff in <br />developing local transportation projects and priorities. Each member agrees to coordinate its <br />transportation plans with those of other RPO members. Additionally, by consensus, the RPO may <br />identify projects of a regional nature for development and presentation to NCDOT for consideration. <br />Section 7. Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding may terminate their participation in the <br />continuing transportation planning process by giving 90 days written notice to the other parties to the <br />date of termination. <br />Section 8. Municipalities desiring to ioin the RPO following the signing of this Memorandum of <br />Understanding must do so no later than 90 days after the date given below in Section 10, by submitting a <br />fully executed Municipal Statement of Adoption. Any municipality desirin~to join the RPO after the <br />initial 90-day period must notify the lead planning a ,,ency and the other members of the RPO in writing <br />of its intent to join, and provide each with a copy of a fully executed Municipal Statement of Adoption. <br />New memberships will become effective on July I" of each year. <br />Section 9. This Amended Memorandum of Understanding supersedes and replaces any prior <br />memorandum(s) of understanding between the Parties regarding the RPO. <br />Section 10. In witness whereof, the Parties have been authorized by appropriate and proper resolutions, <br />and/or legislative authority to sign this Amended Memorandum of Understanding, this the I 1 th day of, <br />December 2007. <br />