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Get a Document - by Citation - N.C. Gen. Stat. § 153A-40 Page I of") <br />N.C. Gen. Stat. § 153/1-40 <br />GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />Copyright 2007 by Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. <br />a member of the LexisNexis Group. <br />All rights reserved <br />THIS DOCUMENT IS CURRENT THROUGH THE 2006 REGULAR SESSION <br />ANNOTATIONS CURRENT THROUGH JUNE 29. 2007 <br />CHAPTER 153A. COUNTIES <br />ARTICLE 4. FORM OF GOVERNMENT <br />PART 3. ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Go to the North Carolina Code Archive Directory <br />N.C. Gen. Stat. § 153A-40 (2007) <br />§ 153A-40. Regular and special meetings <br />(a) The board of commissioners shall hold a regular meeting at least once a month, and <br />may hold more frequent regular meetings. The board may by resolution fix the time and <br />place of its regular meetings. If such a resolution is adopted, at least 10 days before the first <br />meeting to which the resolution is to apply, the board shall cause a copy of it to be posted on <br />the courthouse bulletin board and a summary of it to be published. If no such resolution is <br />® adopted, the board shall meet at the courthouse on the first Monday of each month, or on <br />the next succeeding business day if the first Monday is a holiday. <br />If use of the courthouse or other designated regular meeting place is made temporarily <br />impossible, inconvenient, or unwise, the board may change the time or place or both of a <br />regular meeting or of all regular meetings within a specified period of time. The board shall <br />cause notice of the temporary change to be posted at or near the regular meeting place and <br />shall take any other action it considers helpful in informing the public of the temporary <br />change. <br />The board may adjourn a regular meeting from day to day or to a day certain until the <br />business before the board is completed. <br />(b) The chairman or a majority of the members of the board may at any time call a special <br />meeting of the board of commissioners by signing a written notice stating the time and place <br />of the meeting and the subjects to be considered. The person or persons calling the meeting <br />shall cause the notice to be delivered to the chairman and each other member of the board <br />or left at the usual dwelling place of each at least 48 hours before the meeting and shall <br />cause a copy of the notice to be posted on the courthouse bulletin board at least 48 hours <br />before the meeting. Only those items of business specified in the notice may be transacted at <br />a special meeting, unless all members are present or those not present have signed a written <br />waiver. <br />If a special meeting is called to deal with an emergency, the notice requirements of this <br />subsection do not apply. However, the person or persons calling such a special meeting shall <br />® take reasonable action to inform the other members and the public of the meeting. Only <br />business connected with the emergency may be discussed at a meeting called pursuant to <br />this paragraph. <br />hltp:// in=82274b38r)dfb677]7f963dfD39c00d8& brow... 11/9/2007 <br />