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The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Pursuant to General Statute § 153A-52.1, Chair Dalrymple opened the floor for <br />Public Comments. The following signed up to speak and were permitted 3 minutes for <br />comments: <br />1. Larry Stutts, 1380 Buckhorn Road, Sanford, NC (Broadway Baseball Field) <br />2. Kirk Smith, 3108 Avents Ferry Road, Sanford, NC (Young Commissioners) <br />V. PRESENTATIONS <br />A. Presentation from Emergency Management Director Shane Seagroves reflecting <br />experience from volcano response in Hawaii. <br />Emergency Management Director Shane Seagroves deployed to Hawaii in <br />response to the volcanic eruption that occurred resulting in a call for a team of qualified <br />emergency response personnel. He provided pictures of the devastation and response <br />team along with details of his experience. Seagroves served as the Logistics Section Chief <br />and assisted with drafting plans in a planning group. No action was taken. <br />B. Presentation of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council County Plan and Funding- <br />Decisions <br />undingDecisions for FY 18-19. <br />Pamela Glover, Chair of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, provided the Board <br />with information regarding a Request for Proposals (RFP) that was advertised to recruit <br />juvenile services for Lee County. The RFP was originally advertised from January to <br />March, 2018. In April, the RFP was re -advertised due to the lack of applications received. <br />The first round of applications received included Project Challenge and Healthy Choices. <br />Healthy Choices provides psychological services for youth that have been charged with <br />sex specific crimes. Other services requested in the advertisement included a Teen Court <br />Program, which is a counsel of peers that serves to resolve issues of minor disturbances <br />among school age youth. The proposed funding decisions includes $67,610 for Project <br />Challenge North Carolina, Inc., $62,004 for Scots for Youth, $12,657 for G -MEN -High <br />School Seminar, $4,000 for Healthy Choices Psychological Services and $15,000 for <br />Administrative expenses totaling $161,771. Commissioner Reives moved to approve the <br />JCPC County Plan and Funding Decisions for FY 18-19, a copy of which is attached to <br />these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Page 318 <br />