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0 13 <br />0 • Assistant County Manager position: Mr Crumpton stated he did not plan on filling <br />the Assistant County Manager position recently vacated by Mr. Kenny Cole. <br />Commissioner Reives asked the County Manager to re-visit that plan. <br />• General Services Director Mr. Crumpton stated he would advertise in-house for a <br />General Services Director to handle and supervise duties at General Services that <br />was handled by former employee Mr Kenny Cole <br />• Reclassification of Sheriff's Department employees: Mr. Crumpton stated Sheriff <br />Tracy Carter had requested several positions in his department be reclassified with <br />pay increases. After some discussion, the consensus of the group was to deny the <br />request. Mr. Crumpton was asked to notify Sheriff Carter of the decision. <br />• Lee County Financial Policies Resolution: Mr. Crumpton asked if the Committee <br />wished any changes made to the Financial Policies Resolution adopted by the <br />Board in May 2007. After some discussion, it was suggested that something <br />pertaining to Capital Projects be incorporated in the Financial Policies Resolution. <br />A draft will be presented to the full Board for consideration at the September 10, <br />2007 meeting <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Kelly moved to adjourn <br />the meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, and Reives <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the meeting <br />adjourned in keeping with the motion. <br />Robert T. Reives, Chairman <br />Lee County Finance Committee <br />ATTEST: <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk <br />4 <br />