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Bnb~ 13 rrsr 80 <br />that the access would be adequate for three ten-acre lots in the back <br />portion of the subdivision. Mr. Barefoot stated that the developers <br />are aware that the right-of-way would be not meet the State's minimum <br />requirements for secondary subdivision streets. This portion of the <br />property is low-lying and is adequate for lending to allow ten-acre <br />lots. Mr. Womble stated that no one would probably want State <br />maintained roads for three ten-acre lots. Chairman Stafford stated <br />that septic tank permits have already been worked out by the Health <br />Department and would have to be reworked. Following the discussion, <br />Commissioner Hall moved to adopt the abbreviated final plat for the <br />subdivision. Commissioner Wicker seconded the motion, and upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />In reference to the above item, Commissioner Hall requested that <br />the Planning Board address a 50' minimum right-of-way when considering <br />future subdivision plat approvals. <br />Commissioner Wicker referred to the property involved in the <br />denied rezoning request from IFT Properties of Lee County, Inc. He <br />reported that another manufactured home has been placed on the <br />property on Dixie Farm Road. Mr. Howard Isenhour of 514 Dixie Farm <br />Road stated that the manufactured home was recently moved onto the <br />property and that he called the Inspection Department concerning it. <br />Mr. Barefoot stated that he would investigate the situation. <br />Discrepancies in the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance <br />regarding placement of manufactured homes on subdivided property <br />versus the establishment of manufactured home parks was discussed. <br />Further study on this issue by the Planning Department was requested <br />by the Board. <br />Mr. Barefoot presented the following resolution for the Board's <br />consideration. <br />THAT WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Lee County, pursuant <br />to resolution adopted on May 6, 1991, authorized the County of Harnett <br />and the Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County to <br />provide public water services to certain areas located within Lee <br />County as are therein described; and <br />WHEREAS, the County of Harnett as part of its water facilities <br />project for the said Southwest Water and Sewer District desires to <br />provide water services to certain other designated areas hereinafter <br />described, which areas are in close proximity to those set forth in <br />the referenced resolution of May 6, 1991; and <br />WHEREAS, the County of Harnett requests that the Board of <br />Commissioners of Lee County authorize the providing of water services <br />to the areas hereinafter described; and <br />4 <br />