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two Boards concerning the petition submitted by Mr. Wendell Johnson <br />for Johnny and Nancy Holt to rezone 21.80 acres of property located <br />on the eastern side of Jefferson Davis Highway approximately 800 feet <br />south of the intersection of Wildlife Road and Jefferson Davis <br />Highway from Residential Agricultural District to Highway Commercial <br />Conditional Use District. <br />Mr. Wendell Johnson of 7120 Center Church Road appeared before <br />the two Boards stating that the property will be used for a warehouse <br />receiving and shipping operation. The area of the building will be <br />approximately 15,000 to 20,000 square feet. <br />Commissioner Wicker inquired about the water and sewer systems <br />to be used on the site. Mr. Barefoot stated that a septic tank <br />system would be used for the site and that the Health Department <br />generally allows septic tank use for commercial use when a business <br />employs only three to five employees. After all persons had been <br />given an opportunity to speak on this request, Mr. Barefoot presented <br />drawings of the property and answered questions from the Boards for <br />the following: <br />Petition submitted by Dora Mae Thomas for IFT Properties of Lee <br />County to rezone approximately 10 acres of property located on the <br />southern side of John Rosser Road, beginning approximately 1500 feet <br />from the intersection with Dixie Farm Road from Residential <br />Agricultural to Residential Mixed District. <br />Commissioner Cox expressed concern about the manner in which the <br />property owners moved a manufactured home onto this property without <br />the proper zoning approval from the Board of Commissioners that <br />allows the placement of manufactured homes on residential property. <br />Ms. Dora Mae Thomas stated that the manufactured home is being stored <br />on the property to be repaired so that it may be habitable. <br />Attorney Ronald Penney, representing several residents living <br />within the area in question, presented a petition to the Boards, a <br />copy of which is attached to these minutes, and upon this reference, <br />made a part hereof. Mr. Howard Isenhour of 514 Dixie Farm Road <br />stated that on May 7, 1991, local law enforcement destroyed 150 <br />marijuana plants found at four manufactured homes currently located <br />on the property in question. Mr. Guyion Angell of 500 Dixie Farm <br />Road stated that he has lived at this residence for thirty-five <br />years. He is not opposed to development in the neighborhood; <br />however, there should be certain restrictions imposed to retain a <br />respectable community. Mr. Penney directed individuals attending the <br />hearing in opposition to the request to stand. Approximately twenty-five <br />people stood in opposition. <br />Chairman Stafford then asked individuals attending the meeting <br />in favor of the request to stand. Two individuals favoring the <br />request stood. Ms. Thomas stated that any manufactured home or home <br />developed on the property in question would be neat in appearance and <br />would comply with all regulations. She stated that she lives across <br />the road from the property in question, so the development would be <br />3 <br />