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U50R 14 fR,mk We <br />located on the northern side of Hancock Road beginning at a point <br />approximately 630 feet east of the intersection of Hancock Road and <br />South Plank Road from Residential Mixed District to Highway <br />Commercial Conditional Use District, in order to locate a part-time <br />antique telephone and automobile painting business on the property. <br />Speaking in favor of the request, Mr. Jeff Thomas of 8916 <br />Hancock Road stated that he plans to build a 30' x 40' building on <br />the property on which he currently resides, if the property is <br />rezoned. He stated that he talked with his neighbors about his plans <br />and no one objected. There being no others wishing to speak in favor <br />of or in opposition to this request, Mr. Barefoot presented drawings <br />and answered questions on the following request: <br />A petition submitted by Donald T. and Susan Register Oldham for <br />Sanford Grading Company, Inc. to rezone 25.12 acres of land located <br />on the northern side of Lower Moncure Road begining at a point <br />approximately 750 feet east of the intersection of Lower Moncure Road <br />and Eastwood Drive from Residential Restricted and Residential <br />Agricultural District to Heavy Industrial Conditional Use District. <br />The petitioner proposes to locate a mine for soil fill materials on <br />the property. <br />Following some discussion, it was the general concensus of the <br />Board that the Environmental Affairs Board review this request and <br />present their recommendation to the Planning Board prior to the <br />Commissioners' consideration. <br />Mr. Donald Oldham of 1713 Lower Moncure Road stated that he has <br />obtained the proper permits from the State for mining and erosion <br />control for the site. The property is adjacent to his residence. The <br />project would involve a surface removal of soil which would level the <br />area and would not create a pit. The area would then be seeded. <br />Mr. Charles Oldham of 2205 Southern Road reported that Sanford <br />Grading Company, Inc. mined a portion of his property located in <br />Gulf, NC. He was very pleased with the job the company performed and <br />that the property had more aesthetic appeal at the completion of the <br />project than it had originally. <br />After all persons desiring to speak had been given an <br />opportunity to do so, Commissioner Matthews moved to close the public <br />hearing. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The chairman declared the motion had been adopted, and the <br />public hearing was closed. <br />Prior to the Planning Board's departure from the meeting, <br />Commissioner Cox moved to authorize the Planning Department to <br />4 <br />