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2if. <br />t <br />FJfIS <br />scrviccs of the types described in paragraph 3.3, and <br />act as OWNI?R's Ieprescnte live in coo uc clion with any, <br />such scrviccs.- <br />1.2.3. Provide analyses of OWN E R's needs, planning <br />surveys, site evaluations and comparalive studies of <br />prospective sites and solutions. <br />1.2.4. Provide a general economic :in; ysis of <br />OWNFR's requirements applicable to v:uiuus allcr- <br />natives. <br />1.2... 11 rc pare a Report conlmning schcnml~ ayouts, <br />aits to indicate clearly the alions in- <br />skX`!Illoic tand conceptual design criteria t appropri- <br />vthe alternative s ions available to <br />Oam se lling forth F IN EE R's findings and <br />rndaliu s with pions of prubable costs for <br />(ct, inclu Construction Cos(, contingn- <br />cwances r ' hinges of all professionals and <br />cts, • owances or the cost of land and I igh(s- <br />oipensalion fur damages to properties and <br />iind financing charge all of which are hercin- <br />a ed 'I'rojeN Costs" <br />1.2.6. - sh five co 1C\ o (Ile` Repoli and presenl <br />and review it ill n.ty Iy t OWNER. <br />'I he duties and responsibilities of BNGINFFR during <br />the Study and Report Phase arc amended and Supple- <br />mented as indicated in paragraph 2 of Exhibit A "I7ur- <br />ther Description of Basic Engineering Services and <br />Related Matters". <br />1.3. Preiinftn:uy Design Phase. <br />After written aull urizaliun to proceed with the Prelim- <br />inary Design Phase, ENGINEER shall: <br />1.3.1. In co ation with ER and on the basis <br />of the accepted Rep elermine the extent of the <br />Project. <br />1.3.2. Prepare preliminary design doenncnls consist- <br />ing of final design criteria, preliminary drawings and <br />oulliuc specilicalions. <br />1.13. Based on the information contained in the prc- <br />linumny design doemne'n IS, submit a revised opinion <br />of probable Project Costs. <br />1.3.4. Furnish five copies of the above prclounlary <br />design documents and present and review them in per- <br />son with OWNER. <br />I he duties and responsibilities of ENGINEER during <br />the preliminary Design Phase arc amended and supple- <br />nncnled as indicated in paragraph 3 of Exhibit A "Fur- <br />ther Description of Basic Engineering Services and <br />Related Matters". <br />1.4. Final Design Phase. <br />Alter wriLlen authorization to proceed with the Final <br />Design Phase, ENGINEER shall: <br />1.4.1. On the basis of the accc pled preliminary design <br />documents and the revised opinion of probable Project <br />Cuss, prepare for incorporation in the Contract Docu- <br />ments final drawings to show the character and extent <br />of the Project (hereinafter called "Drawings") and <br />Specifications. <br />1.4.2. burnish to OWNER such documents and de- <br />sign data as may be required for, and assist in the <br />preparation of, the required documents so that <br />OWNER may apply for approvals of such governinen- <br />lal aulhorilics as have jurisdiction over design criteria <br />applicable to the Project, and assist in obtaining such <br />approvals by participating in submissions to and ne- <br />gotiations with appropriate authorities. . <br />1.4.3. Advise OWNER of any adjustments to the lat- <br />csl opinion of probable Project Cost caused bychanges <br />in extend or design requirements of the Project or Con- <br />struclion Costs and furnish a revised opinion of prob- <br />able Project Cost based on the Drawings and Specifi- <br />cations. <br />1.4.4. Prepare for review and approval by OWNER, <br />his legal counsel and other advisors contract agreement <br />forms, general conditions and supplementary condi- <br />tions, and (where appropriate) bid forms, invitations <br />to bid and instructions to bidders, and assist in the <br />preparation of other related documents. <br />1.4.5. Furnish five copies of the above documents <br />and present and review them in person with OWNER. <br />The duties and responsibilities of ENGINEER during <br />the Final Design Phase arc amended and supplemented <br />ns indicated in paragraph 4 of Exhibit A "Further De- <br />scription of Basic. Engineering Services and Related <br />Mailers". <br />I.S. Bidding or Negotiating Phase. <br />Aflcr written authorization to proceed with the Bidding <br />or Negotiating Phase, ENGINEER shall: <br />Page 2 of -20- _pages <br />