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1992 - 02-03-92 Regular Meeting
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1992 - 02-03-92 Regular Meeting
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4/2/2009 1:11:10 PM
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4/2/2009 1:09:55 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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nv 11 211 <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Stafford, Reives, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board then considered an appointment to a newly created <br />Regional Joint Land Use Advisory Board organized to share information <br />concerning land use activity and development plans between local <br />governments and the mililary in the Fort Bragg/Pope Air Force Base <br />region. Chairman Stafford recommended that the position of first <br />alternate serving on the Planning Board serve on the advisory board, <br />and upon the first alternate's refusal, the second alternate would be <br />asked to serve. Commissioner Cox moved that the Chairman make the <br />appointment. Commissioner Wicker seconded the motion, and upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Stafford, Reives, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board then discussed the feasibility of a recreational land <br />use ordinance. Mr. Gerald Shaw presented his views on the matter <br />regarding hunting restrictions. It was the general consensus of the <br />Board to conduct a public forum at the Board's second meeting in <br />March, 1992, in order to guage the public's interest in pursuing a <br />recreational land use ordinance. <br />Under Committee Reports, Finance Committee Chairman Robert <br />Reives recognized Public Works Director Bobby Johnson, who reported <br />on the leakage of underground fuel storage tanks located at the <br />County Maintenance Department site. Following a discussion on the <br />matter, Commissioner Cox moved to remove the underground tanks as <br />soon as possible and to utilize Lee Moore Oil Company's automated <br />card system as the interim fuel source. Commissioner Paschal <br />seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board then considered the Finance Committee's recommendation <br />concerning the Board of Elections' request to purchase GTA-1000 <br />Elections Systems voting machines manufactured by Election Products, <br />Inc., Richmond, Virginia. Commissioner Reives reported that the <br />Committee recommended that this item be considered in the upcoming <br />budget process and given a high priori.t.y. The Committee also <br />recommended that given the estimated price of $133,889, formal bids <br />will be required and that non-exclusionary specifications will need <br />to be drawn in order to allow multiple companies to bid on this type <br />of equipment. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Hall moved to <br />3 <br />
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