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aTJ 1$ ~f 4214 <br />expense. In addition, a system needs to be established to more <br />effectively shift the full cost of'incarceration, including ordinary <br />expenses for prescription drugs to the jail inmates themselves by <br />constructive employment during their jail term and by subsequent <br />collection methods. This cost should not be borne by law-abiding <br />citizens through reduced services and higher taxes. Rather than <br />mandating expensive jail complexes, state law should foster housing <br />jail inmates in less expensive settings which facilitate good honest <br />hard work which will teach the inmates a work ethic, promote job <br />skills and benefit society. <br />2. The reduction of design cost for schools and other public <br />buildings. Because of a myriad of state and federal regulations and <br />requirements, the cost of architectural services for public buildings <br />represents a tremendous burden on the taxpayers. Many organizations <br />such as church denominations produce standard designs for their <br />constituents. It is very likely that millions of dollars could be <br />saved each year if the State of North Carolina provided such standard <br />designs. <br />3. The thresholds for requiring architectural services for the <br />construction and repair of public buildings should be increased. <br />Currently, North Carolina General Statutes 133-1.1 and 143-135 <br />require design by architect for relatively small projects which a <br />large contractor can competently construct. The taxpayer should not <br />bear the unnecessary cost of employing an architect and the increased <br />contractor cost which usually results. <br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LEE <br />COUNTY, that traditional sources of local government revenue should <br />not be disturbed. Counties and cities perform essential services. <br />The cost of these services, many of which are mandated, is constantly <br />increasing as are the number of services mandated. To reduce state <br />reimbursements or other county sources of revenue in such <br />circumstances is to raise local taxes by action of the legislature. <br />We, therefore, urge the North Carolina General Assembly and the North <br />Carolina Association of County Commissioners to wholeheartedly <br />support the integrity of local revenue sources. <br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LEE <br />COUNTY, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each member of <br />Lee County's legislative delegation, to the North Carolina <br />Association of County Commissioners and to each County Board of <br />Commissioners in North Carolina. <br />Commissioner Matthews moved to adopt the resolution. <br />Commissioner Paschal seconded the motion, After a brief discussion, <br />3 <br />