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Eoo iii = 410 <br />19 <br />MEMORANDUM TO WILLIAM COWAN <br />March 23, 1992 <br />Page Two <br />CURRENT PROGRAM COSTS <br />The JOBS Program has three cost centers with respect to transportation: (1) the CCCC contract; <br />(2) mileage reimbursements; and (3) transportation payments to day care operators. <br />Year-to-date costs (through 2/29/92), as reported by DSS, in each of these three centers are as <br />follows: <br />• CCCC Contract - $6,600.00 <br />Mileage Reimbursements - $5,756.00 <br />Day Care - $6,444.00 <br />Please note that we believe the CCCC contract through eight months should be $6,400, based <br />on the current contractual arrangement. <br />Based on an anticipated 240 day program year, total JOBS program cost, excluding day care, <br />could be as high as $46,560 per year under current payment arrangements. It is clear, however, <br />that DSS is not reimbursing clients at the rate schedule indicated; at full participation, daily costs <br />are $190 per day. Given the expense history (year-to-date), this accounts for only 37 program <br />days). Thus, not all clients have been enrolled since July 1, or not all clients participate every <br />day. This is consistent with observations made by DSS staff, who indicated that JOBS mileage <br />reimbursements averaged about $1,100 to $1,200 per month during FY 1991-92, about 1 /3 of the <br />rate if all clients participated all year. <br />CGA would also note that based on the most recent four (4) months of reported data (November <br />1991 through February 1992), CCCC has spent $5,900.63 on JOBS transportation, an average <br />of $1,475.16 per month. In essence, CCCC has provided a $675 per month subsidy to DSS. <br />INCLUSION OF ALL JOBS CLIENTS ON THE CONSOLIDATED SYSTEM <br />Current Proposal <br />Under the initial plans developed for the consolidated transportation system, it was proposed that <br />the status quo be maintained. DSS would purchase transportation from the system for 26 clients, <br />who would be provided van/bus service along two (2) routes. Unlike the current service, the two <br />routes would arrive at CCCC at 7:50 AM so that clients could attend classes that begin at 8:00 <br />AM. <br />