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vr„ 11 =139 <br />• MEMORANDUM TO LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />March 24, 1992 <br />Page Three <br />PROJECTED COSTS AND FINANCING OF CONSOLIDATED SYSTEM <br />11 <br />Exhibit 2 details the projected cost of operating the consolidated system in FY 1992-93; <br />proposed costs are based on full year of operation. <br />According to the implementation schedule, the administrative office for the <br />Transportation Coordinator will be established first (July 1, 1992), with the six agencies <br />beginning to buy service on a staggered schedule beginning on October 1, 1992. By <br />December 1, 1992, all six agencies will have been consolidated into the system. <br />Initially, it is proposed that existing agency funds be used to finance the system. The <br />participating agencies would "buy" service from the Department for the Aging. <br />Unfortunately, not all agency client transportation expenditures can be used for this <br />purpose. Some current expenses relate to agency personnel, overhead, etc. that <br />cannot be converted to funds for purchase of service. <br />e FY 1992 - 93 <br />Exhibit 3 also details the revenues that can be generated for the system. The potential <br />gap in funding, estimated at $34,260, will be partially offset by a grant from the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation. <br />A county cash match will be required. Lee County funds to begin the program are <br />estimated to be $15,359. <br />FY 1993 - 94 and Subsequent Years <br />Beginning on July 1, 1993, Lee County will be eligible for additional NCDOT funding to <br />implement the proposed consolidation program. NCDOT will make "Section 18" funding <br />available to Lee County; this program can be used to pay for up to eighty (80%) of <br />project administration costs. NCDOT will provide up to an additional ten (10%) percent <br />in state matching funds. Lee County is required to pay the remainder, which can be <br />made up of in-kind contributions. It is projected that Lee County will have greater than <br />ten (10%) percent in-kind (See Exhibit 3). <br />• <br />1-3 <br />