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QV 0 <br />Bqo,{ 14 578 <br />opposition was fear that the land would be used for mobile home lots, <br />causing property values to go down. Some concern about heavy traffic <br />and the kind of people that might live there was also a <br />concern. <br />Rezoning request submitted by A & W Investment Group to rezone <br />from Residential Agricultural District to Residential Mixed District <br />to 81.47 acres of land located on the northern side of Peach Orchard <br />Road beginning at a point approximately 2800 feet east of the <br />intersection of Rocky Fork Church Road and Peach Orchard Road. <br />The following individuals opposed the request; Stancil Spivey, <br />Steven Tysinger, Wingate Branch and Doris Tysinger, all local <br />residents of the area. Individuals in the area fear the land wil be <br />used as a mobile home lot, causing the value of their property to go <br />down. <br />After all individuals had been given an opportunity to speak on <br />these requests, Commissioner Matthews moved to close the public <br />hearing. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Stafford, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman declared the motion had been adopted unanimously <br />and the public hearing closed. <br />At this time Chairman Stafford declared there would be a ten <br />(10) minute recess. <br />After the recess a discussion was held on cooperative efforts <br />for the cleanup of illegally disposed solid waste on private <br />property. Ernest Dalrymple, representing The Lee County Farmers <br />Associaton made the following recommendations to help clean up the <br />county. <br />1. HOURS OF OPERATION: All convenient centers, including <br />the one at the current landfill should have the same hours of <br />operation. These hours should be from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM. <br />2. PUBLIC AWARENESS: A public awareness campaign should <br />be undertaken to make the public aware of the following: Locations <br />of convenient centers, the items to be acepted at these centers, the <br />fact that there is no charge t these centers, the preparation of <br />trash and recyclables, and the fact that one does not have to <br />recycle. An explanation of what waste warrants a $14.00 tipping fee <br />6 <br />