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BbU'~ ~-1 Prr~ <br />1 ' lexible Benef its Plan <br />Premium Conversion Plan Election Form <br />Employer Name (Print and please press hard ) ]T I NOeparlment <br />Name (Last. First, Mddle) social sacmity No. <br />E <br />Employee Street Add'.. city slate <br />Please complete all the above Information for all plan participants. <br />❑ Married ❑ Male No. of deduction periods Hours regularly worked each week <br />❑ Single ❑ Female per year for this employer <br />I understand that my employer, , is providing 5 per pay <br />period for the purchase of qualified benefits as part of a flexible benefits plan under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. <br />I also understand that I have an amount of flexible pay equal to $ per pay period. I hereby authorize and direct my employer <br />to reduce my salary in the amount necessary to pay for the coverages shown below. Such reductions, considered as Elective <br />Contributions under the Plan, shall commence with my paycheck dated . I further authorize future adjustment in <br />the amount of the salary reduction in the event that the cost of coverage in any program selected is changed during the Plan Year. <br />I also understand that the purpose of this program is to allow employees to select their qualified benefits within the guidelines of the <br />Internal Revenue Code, and that I may select either cash or qualified benefits, or a combination of both. <br />Listed below are the benefits available under the Plan. Please indicate which benefits you wish to select by completing the total <br />cost and the amount to be Employer Paid or paid by Salary Reduction. The <br />selections will remain in effect until a subsequent election form is filed. <br />BENEFIT' <br />Hospital Income - Employee Only <br />Hospital Income - Employee & Dependent <br />Sickness - Employee Only <br />Sickness - Employee & Dependent <br />Accident - Employee Only <br />Accident - Employee & Dependent <br />Cancer - Employee Only <br />Cancer- Employee & Dependent <br />Total Employer Salary Reduction <br />Cost Paid Amount Per Pay Period <br />Cash <br />Totals <br />'1 understand that the selection of a benefit, and the indication that a premium is to be paid, does not necessarily include me to the <br />insurance portions of this program. In most instances, an application for insurance must also be completed. <br />This election form will remain in effect and cannot be revoked or changed during the Plan Year, unless the revocation and new <br />/ election are on account of, and consistent with, a change in family status (e.g., marriage, divorce, death of spouse or child, <br />birth or adoption of child, and termination of employment of spouse). <br />I understand that the insurance claim payments under certain coverages may be subject to Federal and State taxes when the <br />premium is paid by salary reductions or employer contributions. <br />46~ Signature Date <br />IF YOU DECLINE PARTICIPATION: The benefits of the plan have been thoroughly explained to me and I decline to participate. <br />36 <br />