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Gib <br />year's slate of roads to be paved and start working on the matter earlier next year. Upon a motion of <br />• Commissioner Oldham's motion to defer action, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board discussed Lee County's Pre -Trial Release Program. Pre -Trial Release Coordinator <br />Andrea Currin discussed Senate Bill 756 which would destroy Lee County'sability to safely and <br />effectively manage the jail population, not to mention the medical and mental health costs that would <br />soar without an avenue to supervise these defendants in the community Ms. C rrin stated the <br />proposed bill does nothing to support the taxpayers in North Carolina. The Pre -Trail Release Program <br />offers direct and immediate relief to jail overcrowding which frees up space to house defendants <br />deemed to be high risk and provides a cost - effective alternate incarceration, while ensuring <br />defendants' appearances at court proceedings. Lee County'�program was developed to reduce the <br />overall population of the Lee County Jail and to maintain a! reasonable population in the jail for the <br />safety and well -being of employees and detainees. The pro,gr is a link between the Sheriff's <br />Department/Jail, Judges and District Attorney's office in coordinating the supervision of adults charged <br />with certain offenses being detained in the Lee County jail. The'X ogram identifies detainees who <br />remain in the jail due to their failure or inability to obtain pretrial release B ye other options. The program <br />looks into the inmates' criminal histories to see if they have committed violent crimes and checks to see <br />if they are wanted in other jurisdictions. As a'dondition of release, the defendants are supervised and <br />accept terms of the supervision required by thetourEs of Pre -trial staff. The Pre -Trial Release Program <br />provides an avenue for defendants awaiting t iil the .opportunity to be released from custody and <br />• supervised in the community, while maintaining jobs and other family responsibilities. The defendants <br />are supervised through daily contact or electroncAhouse a rest. Ms. Currin further stated another <br />component to the program is assisting the court system in expediting cases more efficiently through the <br />legal system. Projected savings of $1.3 million fortotal fiscal year are anticipated for the Pre -Trial <br />��. <br />Release Program. After discu ssion, Commissioner Reeves moved that letters be sent to our Legislative <br />delegates and North Caro na A sociation of County Commissioners (NCACC) opposing Senate Bill <br />756. He also asked that4the Sheriff a Clerk of Court send letters opposing the bill. Upon a vote, the <br />x= <br />results were as follows: 4 <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nav: None <br />the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />' - " @o gty Manage John Crumpton discussed the FY 2011 -12 budget process. He discussed with <br />the Boa_. a the Le_e County Board of Education (BOE) had formally submitted, which did not include <br />the total amount of the school's budget required for him to complete the budget. Information provided <br />t <br />by the BOE provided nothing as far as budget numbers and the 8 -page budget message provided did <br />not provide mu h information. What information was provided, if approved by the Commissioners, <br />would require an 11 cent tax increase. Mr. Crumpton presented a resolution asking for additional <br />budget information from the BOE. County Attorney K. R. Hoyle stated the budget presented by the <br />BOE does not adhere to their statutory requirements of what they must provide. After discussion, <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve a Resolution Seeking Financial Information from the Lee <br />County Board of Education that would also include any additional questions Board members might <br />have, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />