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614 <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />• Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Pursuant to N.C. General Statute 153A -52.1, Chairman Shook opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. The following signed up to speak and were allowed 3 minutes for comments: <br />1. Mr. Ed Garrison, 2215 Lord Ashley Drive, Sanford <br />2. Mr. Charles Staley, 3117 Hickory Hill Drive, Sanford <br />The Board considered the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY 20:112 -2016 -ounty Manager <br />John Crumpton reviewed with the Board his recommended CIP that was presented ate March 21, <br />2011 meeting. A pubiic hearing on the CIP was held during the April 18 meeting, with no onpspeaking <br />for or against the proposed projects. The only projects recommended for FY 2011 -12 byvthe County <br />Manager is $1,400,000 for the Lee County Industrial Park, $12,24 ,600 for renovations to Lee County <br />High School, and $1,745,750 for renovations to the basementof the Lee County Courthouse for a new <br />Emergency Operations Center (EOC), back -up 911 Center rikxxpanded operations for both Lee <br />County Emergency Management and the Lee County Sheriff's Department. Commissioner Womack <br />made the following comments in reference to the proposed CIP: <br />• Concerned that the County Manager mentioned a taxcease four times in his CIP <br />message. <br />• Doesn't feel the county should be considering a tax increase at this time until the <br />economy turns around. <br />• Suggested that a five -year plan beipresentedron what needs to be completed at this time <br />• and only do what we can afford to do atfthis tjrMV <br />Thinks the Board needs to study theCIP further before adoption. <br />• Thinks the County needs to tighten upthe budget. <br />• Stated that a group citizens would like to see the tax rate reduced. <br />• Feels the Board - should review the budget line -by -line to make sure money is spent <br />wisely. <br />• Thinks the Lovations at Lee,;Senior High School are the biggest project this year. <br />s <br />• .Need to studyand review the backup 911 Center and Emergency Operations Center <br />(EOC) projects before plans are developed. <br />• Doesn't think the Boar�dOis following their policy on funding projects. <br />Commissioner Pa`°rk7s made the following comments: <br />Citizenssay they cannot stand a tax increase at this time. <br />VM <br />Not in aeement with much of what the County Manager stated in his CIP statement. <br />Ccmmissioner�sHayeVmade the following comments: <br />• qh'inks the expenditures recommended by the County Manager are at a minimum except <br />t�new EOC. <br />• Doesn't feel a tax increase will be required the way the County Manager has outlined <br />projects. <br />• Funds from the 911 Fund can be used toward the new EOC. <br />• Doesn't feel there is anything extravagant in the recommended CIP. <br />• Urged the Board to resist the temptation to put us behind rather than keep us at pace at <br />• this time. <br />2 <br />