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library facilities owned or controlled by the board of <br />commissioners or leased or loaned to the board of <br />trustees by the owners thereof. <br />Sec. 14-40. Grants, gifts, and donations; <br />• contracts and obligations. <br />The board of trustees of the county library <br />system may accept any grant, gift, bequest or donation <br />of any personal property offered or made for library <br />purposes and, with the approval of the board of <br />commissioners, may accept any grant, gift, or devise of <br />real estate. The board of trustees shall have no <br />authority to enter into any contract or incur any <br />obligation binding the board of commissioners other <br />than for current obligations within the budget <br />appropriations made by the board of commissioners. <br />(Ord. Of 3- 17 -80, §6) <br />Sec. 14-41. Appointment of chief librarian; <br />employment of staff. <br />The board of trustees of the county library <br />system shall have power to appoint and designate a <br />chief librarian who possesses the necessary <br />educational training and who demonstrates by actual <br />• work the ability to organize and direct a countywide <br />library system. Such other trained persons as may be <br />necessary in the maintenance and operation of the <br />library system may be employed. <br />(Ord. Of 3- 17 -80, §7) <br />State law reference — Qualifications of chief <br />librarian, G.S. 153A -267 <br />Sec. 14-42. Reports of meetings and copies of <br />minutes submitted to board of <br />commissioners. <br />The board of trustees of the county library <br />system shall make full and complete reports to the <br />board of commissioners at such times may be <br />requested and at such other times as the board of <br />trustees deem it proper. Copies of the minutes of all <br />meetings of the board of trustees shall be sent to the <br />board of commissioners. <br />(Ord. Of 3- 17 -80, §9) <br />O U <br />• <br />