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24 f 1-145 <br />AMENDED BYLAWS <br />of <br />BOARD OF TRUSTEES <br />for the <br />LEE COUNTY LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES <br />1. Membership and Attendance <br />a. The Board shall be made up of seven (7) members who shall apply to and <br />be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners in a manner consistent with <br />the Commissioners' policies and practices concerning appointments to County <br />boards. <br />b. The Board may recommend, by majority vote, the Commissioners appoint <br />one or more of the applicants. <br />C. Any member who fails to attend 75% of the Board's regular meeting, except <br />for excused illness or other extraordinary circumstances, during any one calendar <br />year shall be reported to the Commissioners to be removed by the Commissioners. <br />2. Officers <br />a. Board officers shall consist of a (Chairman and Vice - Chairman) each of <br />whom shall be elected at the annual meeting by a majority vote. <br />b. Officers will begin service at the January meeting. <br />c. When the Chairman is absent, the Vice - Chairman will preside. <br />d. The Library Director will be the Board's Secretary and shall keep a true and <br />accurate account of all proceedings of Board meetings; issue notices of all meetings; <br />have custody of the account of meetings and other records of the Board; and shall <br />notify the Commissioners of any vacancies on the Board. <br />3. Meetings <br />a. The Board of Trustees shall meet on the first Wednesday of each month at <br />the main library or at such a time and place designated by the Chairman. <br />b. An annual meeting shall be held concurrently with the regular monthly <br />meeting for the month of December. <br />C. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or upon a majority vote of <br />the board. <br />4. Quorum <br />A quorum for the transaction of business shall be a simple majority of the Board members. <br />