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soo,K 24 .:a A5 <br />Comfortable with the proposed CIP and thinks the County Manager has done a good job <br />in putting together and presenting the CIP. <br />After further discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to approve a Resolution Adopting the Lee <br />County Capital Improvements Program for FY 201112012 through 201512016, a copy of which is <br />attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: Womack <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a six to one vote. <br />Emergency Services Director Shane Seagroves gave the Board an update from the April 16` <br />tornado. Mr. Seagroves stated response from the storm is almost over for his staff and they have <br />returned to their office on S. Steele Street. Staff is compiling numbers of expenses incurred from all <br />departments. FEMA continues to go door -to -door talking with citizens and encouraging everyone to <br />complete FEMA applications for possible assistance. A total of 359 citizens have registered with FEMA <br />to date and completed the applications. Over 500 emergency food stamp applications were taken at the <br />McSwain Center on Sunday, May 1s'. A total of 4 pets have been reported missing since the storm. Mr. <br />Seagroves further stated FEMA would assist residents in getting debris to the right -of -way if they live off <br />a main road. Sheriff Tracy Carter stated approximately 40 outside law enforcement personnel were <br />brought in to assist with patrol for curfew reasons. There has been some vandalism of copper piping so <br />additional patrol assistance will still be needed to patrol some areas such as the St. Andrews <br />community in order to keep unwanted people out. Out -of- county deputies are being paid by the State, <br />not the County. Hotel expenses for out -of- county deputies are being paid by the County. County <br />Manager John Crumpton stated fund balance will be used to help pay for some items that are not <br />reimbursed by FEMA. Mr. Crumpton asked the Board to consider a budget amendment in the amount <br />of $150,000 to appropriate funds to the Emergency Services Department to cover costs associated with <br />the April 16` tornado, with the hope that FEMA will reimburse some of the expenses. Commissioner <br />Reives moved to approve Budget Amendment # 05/02/11/#15, a copy of which is attached to these <br />minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered the Annual DOT Secondary Road Construction Program. County <br />Manager John Crumpton stated that action on this item was deferred at the April 4' meeting when DOT <br />staff presented the use of Highway Funds and Highway Trust Funds for Secondary Road <br />Improvements in Lee County. Questions were raised in reference to the paving of Thomas Williams <br />Road and Joe Matthews Road. The Board asked the County Manager to work with DOT and <br />Community Development to review the resolution for future consideration. Mr. Crumpton stated the <br />recommendation before the Board was for DOT to move the Thomas Williams Road paving project to <br />the bottom of the priority list for paving projects and move the Joe Matthews Road to top priority. <br />Commissioner Oldham moved that the Board defer action on this matter. He stated he had received <br />several calls from the public concerning the above mentioned roads and he thought the Board needed <br />to discuss the matter more. He further stated he would like the Board to reconsider the Thomas <br />Williams Road which has railroad right -of -way and may have the possibility of being paved from <br />another source of DOT money. Commissioner Reives stated the Board needed to look closer at next <br />