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Boo,K 24 =127 <br />FOSTER CARE AND CONTINGENT ADOPTION AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement is made between <br />(hereinafter known as "Fosterer ") and the Lee County Animal Shelter regarding the companion <br />animal herein described. <br />1. The animal which is the subject of this contract, as more fully described below, was <br />found in Lee County North Carolina in the aftermath of the Tornado of April 2011. The animal's <br />legal owner currently is unknown and it now is in the temporary care, custody and control of <br />the Lee County Animal Shelter, which is legally responsible for the animal's wellbeing. <br />3. The animal is described as follows: <br />Species: (Circle one) <br />Breed: <br />Spayed Neutered <br />Name, if any: <br />Distinguishing markings: <br />Cat / Dog / <br />The Lee County Animal Shelter agrees to: <br />a. Examine the animal prior to temporary placement with the Fosterer to detect <br />obvious illness or behavior problems, but does not warrant or guarantee the general <br />health, disposition, or character of the animal; <br />b. Place the animal in the temporary care, control and responsibility of the Fosterer <br />contingent upon the Fosterer's continuing full compliance with all terms of this <br />agreement; <br />C. Allow the Fosterer to adopt the animal and obtain legal ownership thereof 60 <br />days from the date of this contract, provided the Forester complies with all <br />requirements for adoption in effect at that time. <br />5. Fosterer agrees to: <br />a. Notify the Lee County Animal Shelter (919- 776 -7446) if there are any changes in <br />the contact information provided below, e.g., address, telephone number, during the <br />sixty (60) days following the date of this contract; <br />Intact <br />Other <br />Color: <br />Age: _ <br />Weight: <br />b. Care for the above described animal in a humane and responsible manner and <br />provide it with clean and adequate shelter, food, water, and veterinary care; <br />