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Isooh 24 :t,L -f 25 <br />4) All instructions, budget estimates and any other data that pertains to giving guidance in the <br />budget preparation from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, the Association of <br />Boards of Education or any other group that provides budget guidance to the BOE and its staff. <br />5) The educational policies as adopted by the Lee County Board of Education. <br />6) Fiscal Policies as adopted by the Lee County Board of Education. <br />7) The purchasing policy of the Lee County Board of Education and /or Administrative policies that <br />cover the same. <br />8) The size and composition of the student populations by school and local administrative unit. <br />9) The bid tabulation sheets for all capital purchases, including vehicles and any construction work <br />completed on any buildings or grounds, over the last two fiscal years. In addition, we are <br />requesting a copy of all awards for work at the Lee County High School and the contracts for <br />that work. <br />10) All professional or administrative service contracts (employees or contract labors) which were in <br />effect for FY 2009 -10 and FY 2010 -11 along with any such continuing contracts which will be in <br />effect for FY 2011 -12. <br />11) Any bills for legal services submitted during FY 2009 -10 and FY 2010 -11. <br />12) Costs (registration, meals, hotel rooms, transportation, etc.), by individual, for all conferences, <br />seminars or organizational meetings attended by School Board Members, the Superintendent <br />and any Assistant Superintendents for FY 2009 -10 and FY 2010 -11. <br />13) Identify the salary, all supplements, travel budget, training budget, and all other benefits (such <br />as use of an LCSS auto) for the Superintendent. <br />14) Provide the same information requested in paragraphs 12 and 13 above for all Central office <br />staff, principals, and assistant principals. Identify the school each principal or assistant <br />principal is assigned to. <br />15) All notes and proposed budgets that the Lee County Board of Education and their Finance <br />Committee accumulated during the review of their FY 2011 -12 proposed budget. <br />16) A schedule of all salaries for the Lee County Board of Education Administrative Unit ( BOE <br />members, Central Office, principals, Assistant Principals and all non - teaching positions) <br />comparing these salaries for the last 3 years. This report should show the salary and all <br />supplements and other forms of compensation (cars, cell phones, educational stipends, <br />additional or supplemental retirement contributions, etc.) received by each employee in a <br />separate column. <br />17) Grant applications for grants awarded to LCSS (laptop initiative, Rosetta Stone, etc.). <br />18) Invoices for the purchases of all products /services awarded by the grants. <br />19) Cost for Rosetta Stone applications and licensing, along with funding source. <br />20) Complete itemized acquisition costs for the laptop initiative — including costs for the HP <br />Netbooks, peripheral equipment, network hardware and software, telecommunications <br />equipment, printers, supporting desktop computers and serves. <br />21) Total cost for HP Netbooks and laptop repairs this year (regardless of funding source for the <br />repairs). <br />22) Provide specific software licenses and computer programs purchased for the HP Netbooks and <br />how much does each application /license cost. <br />