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0 2 <br />600'( 14 PACE K0 <br />at the last general election. <br />The Reverend James Sponenberg gave the invocation. Mrs. Lucille <br />H. York, Clerk of Superior Court administered the oath of office to <br />the Honorable William A. Christian as a Judge of the District Court <br />Division, General Court of Justice. Thereafter Judge Christian <br />administered the oath of office to the officials. <br />It appearing that John R. Dossenbach, Jr., F. Hubert Garner, and <br />William C. Stafford, Jr., were elected as Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee at the last general election, they presented <br />themselves, took the oath of office and thereby qualified as members <br />of the Board of Commissioners. <br />It appearing that Nellie W. Thomas had been elected as Register <br />of Deeds for the Lee County at the last general election, she <br />presented herself and took the oath of office and thereby qualified <br />as Register of Deeds. <br />It appearing that Mr. John T. Dalrymple had been elected as a <br />Supervisor for the Lee County Soil and Water Conservation District, <br />he presented himself and took the oath of office and thereby <br />qualified as a member of the Board of Supervisors of the Lee County <br />Soil and Water Conservation District. <br />It appearing that Nellie W. Thomas, Register of Deeds, had <br />appointed Mrs. Mollie McInnis as Assistant Register of Deeds and Mrs. <br />Frances Byrd and Mrs. Betty Coffer as Deputy Registers of Deeds, they <br />presented themselves and took the oath of office and thereby <br />qualified for their respective offices. <br />The Reverend Dr. Joseph Morgan gave the benediction to close the <br />induction ceremony and a reception followed in the lobby of the Civic <br />Center. <br />The recessed meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened at 11:00 A.M. in the <br />Commissioners' Room, Lee County Government Center, 106 Hillcrest <br />Drive, Sanford, North Carolina. Those present were newly sworn <br />Commissioners John R. Dossenbach, Jr., F. Hubert Garner, Bertha L. <br />Matthews, Nathan E. Paschal, Robert T. Reives, William C. Stafford, <br />Jr., and Gordon A. Wicker. Chairman Stafford declared a quorum <br />present and the meeting open for transaction of business with the new <br />Board. <br />The Chairman announced the next order of business was the <br />election of a chairman for a one-year term. County Attorney, K.R. <br />Hoyle distributed ballots and after they were marked and signed, when <br />counted the results were as follows: <br />2 <br />112- <br />