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aoos 14 pacF 5880.0 20 <br />recognized next. Mr. Matthews stated he spoke only as an individual <br />but that he thought the arrangement announced by the Chairman was a <br />good one and should satisfy most farmers and that he individually <br />would support it. Mr. Matthews inquired as to farm land values and <br />Mr. Roger Kelly, Appraiser with the Tax Department, responded and <br />advised they were about the same as in the last revaluation. <br />Mr. Julian Philpott, a county resident and assistant General <br />Counsel of the Farm Bureau, spoke and expressed satisfaction with the <br />announced policy with respect to tobacco allotments and said it <br />compared favorably with the action taken by the Wake County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />Mr. Robert W. Dalrymple spoke and thanked the Board for the <br />consideration shown to tobacco farmers. He expressed the opinion <br />that local warehousemen would also benefit from such action. <br />The Chairman extended the courtesy of the floor to any <br />interested person but no one rose or asked to be recognized. After a <br />reasonable interval of time, Commissioner Matthews moved that the <br />public hearing be closed. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Dossenbach, Garner, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and <br />Stafford <br />ABSENT: Wicker <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman declared the motion had been adopted by a unanimous <br />vote and the hearing closed at 7:22 o'clock p.m. <br />Those in the audience at the closing of the meeting numbered 57. <br />0~6~ <br />William C. <br />rd, . <br />Chairman <br />~ qi-,, K. R. Hoyle r. <br />Acting Se' ary for the <br />Public Hearing <br />NORTH CAROUNA. LEE COUNTY <br />fiese for MOisVoWnon <br />of~ t fg ~~7dUg <br />recorded in hook-~~ ~j~'J <br />Nellie W Thomas, RegaW of Deeds <br />