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added to whatever the state says needs to go with each student. The reconciled budget with all 3 <br /> sources of funding (local, state, federal)will be available in October. <br /> C. Non-Profit Organization Applications for Funding <br /> County Manager John Crumpton provided the Board with a breakdown of funding requests <br /> received from non-profit organizations for the fiscal year 2018-2019 budget. The list of non-profits that <br /> submitted requests includes Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc., Lee County Industries, <br /> HAVEN, Inc., Boys & Girls Clubs of Sanford/Lee County, The Salvation Army, Family Promise of Lee <br /> County, Inc., Another Choice for Black Children, Inc., Sanford Job Express, Inc., Veterans Council, Lee <br /> County Arts Council, and Temple Theatre Company, Inc. The current year budget includes $41,000, <br /> $108,000 was requested, and $50,500 is recommended in the FY 18-19 Recommended Budget. S3 <br /> Connect and the Sanford Area Growth Alliance were not included in these requests since they operate <br /> in a different manner. Commissioner Sharpe expressed a desire to include S3-Connect in providing <br /> their one time request of$51,966 for a homeless shelter. Sharpe stated that S3-Connect should go <br /> through the same steps as the other non-profits to request the money. Commissioner Sloan stated he <br /> felt more comfortable considering the request through non-profit application process. Chair Dalrymple <br /> stated that she attended the S-3 Connect meeting and was reminded that the shelter on McIver Street <br /> is just one piece of the puzzle and there is a lot of other things going on. Their goal is to get the site <br /> grant ready and then start a capital campaign. The total is a moving target anywhere from $2-$5 million <br /> for the project. The organization has already reached out to other businesses and organizations for <br /> funding and donations. They will have an intake and assessment process, so if someone came along <br /> with a particular issue, they could seek to get it addressed. The plan is to have a six week maximum <br /> turn around to get people where they need to be to become independent. Commissioner Reives asked <br /> Counsel if there is a way to disburse money and ensure it's used for the intended purpose to make <br /> improvements on the building. Commissioner Reives recommended staff draft an agreement. <br /> Commissioner Knecht joined the meeting at 5:46 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Reives asked what type of agreement the City has with the Bread of Life to make sure <br /> the money is used for a particular purpose and what happens if they are not able to meet their goal? <br /> Commissioner Sharpe requested a Memorandum of Understanding to set out the terms. <br /> III. ADJOURNMENT <br /> With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Sharpe moved to adjourn the <br /> meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br /> Nay: None <br /> The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:55 <br /> 4 Amy Dalrymple, Chair <br /> :.: , 0 $ v.*:;N: x <br /> `' Lee County Board of Commissioners <br /> , - r ,..,;. v 'ic , <br /> A . ..,,,,,,,,,, w...,,„, <br /> , :liti <br /> J, - .. ,� P,4,, , . NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br /> ,,,,;,-' `' _-! i -' Presented for registration on this day <br /> ifv,+a 4 s ', erk to the Board <br /> M o of- --4,-c--20,is_atL:enAM <br /> recorded in Book .2,9 Page 75f <br /> Page 212 <br /> Pamela G. Britt, Register of Deeds <br />