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ORDINANCE - Zoning Map Amendment for 261/275 Harvey Faulk Road and 3764 Highway 87 S.
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ORDINANCE - Zoning Map Amendment for 261/275 Harvey Faulk Road and 3764 Highway 87 S.
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Last modified
6/6/2018 12:36:17 PM
Creation date
6/6/2018 12:35:58 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP <br />OF LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />WHEREAS, a request to amend the Official Zoning Map has been received from Schoolhouse <br />Sanford, LLC (Case #2018-0501) to rezone two parcels that are adjoining lots depicted on Lee <br />County Tax Map 9661.03, comprising 14.22 + acres, and accessed off of Harvey Faulk Road to <br />a site plan specific conditional zoning district to allow for the development of a school. <br />Specifically, tract one is a vacant 12.89 + acre lot formerly developed with two houses addressed <br />as 261 and 275 Harvey Faulk Road, identified as Lee County Tax Parcel 9661-22-8333-00, and <br />zoned Residential Agricultural with a Conditional Use (RA -CU). This tract is requested to be <br />rezoned to Residential Agricultural Conditional Zoning District with a Conditional Use (RA -C- <br />CU) to allow for the development of a school on this parcel in addition to the uses already <br />associated with the Residential Agricultural with a Conditional Use (RA -CU) zoning. Tract two <br />is a 1.34 + acre lot developed with a house addressed as 3764 Highway 87 S., identified as Lee <br />County Tax Parcel 9661-22-7992-00, and zoned Residential Restricted (RR). This tract is <br />requested to be rezoned to Residential Restricted Conditional Zoning District (RR -C) to also <br />allow for the development of a school on this parcel in addition to the uses already associated <br />with the Residential Restricted (RR) zoning; and <br />WHEREAS, said request has been presented to the Planning Board of Lee County; and <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Board of Commissioners conducted a public hearing on May 21, <br />2018 to receive citizen input on the requested zoning map amendment; and <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Board of Commissioners approves the request to amend the <br />Official Zoning Map of Lee County; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS: <br />The Official Zoning Map is hereby amended to rezone two parcels that are adjoining lots <br />depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9661.03, comprising 14.22 + acres, and accessed off of Harvey <br />Faulk Road to a site plan specific conditional zoning district to allow for the development of a <br />school. Specifically, tract one is a vacant 12.89 + acre lot formerly developed with two houses <br />addressed as 261 and 275 Harvey Faulk Road, identified as Lee County Tax Parcel 9661-22- <br />8333-00, and zoned Residential Agricultural with a Conditional Use (RA -CU). This tract is <br />requested to be rezoned to Residential Agricultural Conditional Zoning District with a <br />Conditional Use (RA -C -CU) to allow for the development of a school on this parcel in addition <br />to the uses already associated with the Residential Agricultural with a Conditional Use (RA -CU) <br />zoning. Tract two is a 1.34 + acre lot developed with a house addressed as 3764 Highway 87 S., <br />identified as Lee County Tax Parcel 9661-22-7992-00, and zoned Residential Restricted (RR). <br />This tract is requested to be rezoned to Residential Restricted Conditional Zoning District (RR- <br />C) to also allow for the development of a school on this parcel in addition to the uses already <br />associated with the Residential Restricted (RR) zoning. A copy of the subject property zoning <br />map is included as Exhibit A. <br />
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