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reporting and compliance. Department approved payrolls will be <br />electronically interfaced with the MUNIS software to process the payroll <br />eliminating manual data entry and the associated errors. The major <br />advantages of the system are that it is more accurate than a manual time- <br />keeping system, offers verification of actual hours to outside entities, and <br />saves time in all departments in processing payroll. <br />The cost of the Kronos system is $152,971.73. The cost includes <br />$90,091.73 for one server to run the software, the time-keeping software, <br />two biometric time-keeping devices, staff training on the operation and <br />maintenance of the administration of the software and hardware, the <br />tS[eephony system, and hardware and software support. The remaining <br />$62,880.00 is for implementation. The County is allotted 343 hours of <br />application consultation at a cost of $160 per hour totaling $54,880. The <br />County is allotted 40 hours of specialized application consulting at a cost of <br />$200 per hour totaling $8,000. If fewer hours are required to implement the <br />system, the County would only pay for what is used. Charges can only be <br />increased upon the execution of an approved change order by the County <br />for an increase in the scope of the project. Professional fees are paid <br />monthly based on services performed to date. <br />The implementation of an automated time-keeping solution for an <br />organization the size and the complexity of the County requires substantial <br />staff resources and knowledge. After discussions with staff, Kronos <br />representatives and other entities utilizing a time-keeping solution, staff <br />recommends that the County engage HCG, Inc. to serve as the County's <br />project manager on the implementation. The estimated hours needed are <br />220 at a rate of $115 per hour totaling a maximum of $25,300. <br />The project timeline is anticipated to begin in September and conclude <br />within 10-12 months. Funds of $175,000 are included in the FY 2007-08 <br />for the time-keeping project. In addition the FY 2006-07 budget included <br />$12,500 for a time-keeping project that was unspent and could be rolled- <br />over to the current year to cover the $3271.73 potential short-fall. At least <br />$26,000 of the cost can be allocated to Social Services and qualify for a <br />50% reimbursement reducing the County's total cost by $13,000. <br />ATTACHMENT(S): None <br />PUBLIC HEARING: None <br />PRIOR BOARD ACTION: None <br />Allow staff to proceed with necessary contracts and agreements to present <br />to the Board of Commissioners on September 10, 2007 to engage Kronos <br />and HCG, Inc. for a time-keeping solution. <br />7 <br />