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004 <br />boot .15 PA,E i9 <br />Aye: Garner and Stafford <br />Nay: Dossenbach, Matthews, Paschal, Reives and Wicker <br />The Chairman ruled the motion failed with a five to two vote. <br />Upon a vote of the original motion, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dossenbach, Reives and Stafford <br />Nay: Garner, Matthews, Paschal and Wicker <br />The Chairman ruled the motion failed with a four to three vote. <br />Mrs. Annie Laurie Pomeranz and Carol Mann appeared before the <br />Board in reference to new windows for the Lee County Arts Center, <br />which is an ongoing project for some community members and past <br />graduates of Sanford High School. Over $10,000 has currently been <br />raised for this project and money is still coming in. <br />The Board considered a recommendation from the Building <br />Committee of the Board of Education asking that the Board of <br />commissioners spend approximately $45,000 to bring the Wilrik <br />Building up to fire safety standards by including fire rating the <br />stairway, installing central alarms and smoke detectors and <br />positioning ladders from fire escapes to the ground. By doing these <br />changes, county officials would have an additional 18 months before <br />having to relocate to another location. John Gaines, Chairman of the <br />Building Committee for the Board of Education, Engineer John Dixon, <br />Sanford Fire Inspector Hayden Lutterloh, City Building Inspector <br />David Brooks, Assistant School Superintendent Marion Carver and <br />School Superintendent Donny Hunter appeared before the Board and <br />answered questions. After much discussion Commissioner Paschal moved <br />to accept the School Board's recommendation to spend approximately <br />$45,000 to renovate the Wilrik Building and allow the Board of <br />Education to stay in the building for an additional 18-24 months, and <br />to assist the School Board with financial needs to bring the Wilrik <br />Building up to temporary standards. After further discussion, <br />commissioner Wicker amended the motion to have the School Board pay <br />for the expenses out of their operations funds. Upon a vote of the <br />amended motion, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Reives and Wicker <br />Nay: Dossenbach, Garner, Matthews, Paschal and Stafford <br />The Chairman ruled the motion failed with a five to two vote. <br />Upon a vote of the original motion, the results were as follows: <br />3 <br />