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09 <br />d~n~ ~ u f ~r <br />let <br />C; It <br />~~Y f~ C At?C~`. <br />Te fee 1-1nurtgnttrb of Clumntisstaners <br />?a Eso Iutinn <br />WHEREAS, Robert F. Joyce resigned his employment with Lee County while in good standing on January 11, 1994, to <br />accept employment with the State of North Carolina; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Joyce began his employment with Lee County on February 1, 1989, as Administrative Services <br />Director; and <br />WHEREAS, as an additional duty, he served as Interim Planning and Inspections Director from January 1, 1993, <br />until his resignation; and; <br />WHEREAS, as Administrative Services Director he supervised the economic development activities of the County and <br />assisted in the recruitment of twenty-one new businesses and twenty-four business expansions with a total <br />investment of Two Hundred Fourteen Million Dollars and Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty jobs; and <br />WHEREAS, in all capacities and assignments he was a conscientious and dedicated administrator who was an <br />effective staff member and contributed significantly to the orderly administration of the County's business; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to recognize and acknowledge the valuable services rendered to Lee <br />County and its citizens by Mr. Joyce; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for Lee County as follows: <br />1. That it expresses its appreciation to Robert F. Joyce for his valuable services to Lee County and its <br />citizens as Administrative Services Director from February 1, 1989, until January 11, 1994, and as Interim Planning <br />and Inspections Director from January 1, 1993, until January 11, 1994. <br />I Z. That it wishes for him continued success as the Executive Director for the State Health Purchasing Alliance <br />i Board. <br />i <br />,j 3. That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the January 18, 1994, meeting of the Lee <br />II County Board of Commissioners and a certified copy be furnished to Mr. Joyce. <br />Bertha L. Matthews, Chairperson <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />