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15 559 <br />much it will cost to tie the fifty-two (52) Cumnock water clients <br />into the county water system. All but sixteen (16) of the Cumnock <br />clients could be added to the system if they themselves would be <br />willing to assume the $650.00 tapping fee. Commissioner Dossenbach <br />urged Chairperson Matthews to contact Mayor Winston Hester and <br />request his assistance in this matter. No action was taken on the <br />matter. <br />The Board considered a request from John Hall, Cooperative <br />Extension Director to hire Cassandra Denise Caldwell as the Lee <br />County 4-H Director. Mr. Hall went over Ms. Caldwell's resume and <br />presented her to the Board. Commissioner Stafford moved to approve <br />the hiring of Ms. Cassandra Denise Caldwell as the Lee County 4-H <br />Director. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dossenbach, Garner, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford <br />and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Board considered a Resolution of the Section 18 Urban Mass <br />Transit Act Grant proposal for FY 1994/95. Senior Services Director <br />Pam Adams was present and answered questions of the Board. <br />Commissioner Garner moved to approve the following Resolution: <br />Applicant Seeking Permission To Apply For Section 18 Funding, <br />Enter Into Agreement With The North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation And To Provide The Necessary Assurances <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has <br />received a grant from the US Department of Transportation authorized <br />by Section 18 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended, to <br />provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide <br />grant monies to local agencies for the provision of rural public <br />transportation services; and <br />WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General <br />Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency <br />responsible for administering funds received through Section 18 of <br />the Federal Transit Act of 1991; and <br />WHEREAS, Lee County Senior Services, hereby assures and <br />certifies that it will comply with the Federal Statutes, regulations, <br />executive orders, the Special Section 13(c) Warranty, and all <br />administrative requirements which relate to the applications made to <br />and grants received from the Federal Transit, as well as the <br />provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18, U.S.C. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Chairperson of the Lee <br />003 <br />3 <br />