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(a zm '15 570 017 <br />G. PRICE OF WATER DURING EMERGENCY <br />Unless otherwise specified by existing agreements, the price of water transferred during a short term <br />emergency shall be the same as the commodity rate charged to residential customers within the <br />provider's own regular ("inside") service area. It is understood that the party experiencing the short <br />term emergency (the ultimate receiver of water) shall be responsible for paying any excess costs <br />incurred by other parties (providers) to the transfer. These costs may include special operational <br />assistance, as described in Section 5; startup activities, such as line flushing, valve switching, excess <br />pumping or other operational costs attributable to the transfer; and, may include any difference in <br />commodity rates paid by an intermediate provider for water transferred through its own system. <br />7. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT <br />This Joint Resolution shall become effective on December 1, 1988, and continue for a period of five <br />years therefrom. <br />This Joint Resolution may be extended upon mutual agreement of the parties. <br />IN TES'T'IMONY WHEREOF, the undersigned parties: <br />