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6Qd# 15 vast 762 <br />about the current airport. At that particular time we'll have to <br />address the issue with regards to the sale of it and the funds being <br />applied back into the new airport. Of course the FAA has a big hand <br />in what we do and how we do it. <br />COMMISSIONER GARNER - Let me digress for a moment and get back <br />to the questions in the May 18, 1994 letter. You did in fact send to <br />us a copy of your bylaws, however left blank was the space for the <br />meeting time - have you set a meeting time. <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - Our meeting time is 5:00 P.M. the first Monday <br />of every month at City Hall. <br />COMMISSIONER REIVES - If Monday falls on a holiday, do you meet <br />on Tuesday, or what is your procedure. <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - Probably the Tuesday. <br />COMMISSIONER GARNER - We received a copy of a letter from Mr. <br />Sam Hunt and it stated project description Phase II Site Preparation <br />- two million eight hundred and eight-four thousand dollars - what <br />happened to Phase I? Were we not scheduled to get about three <br />million dollars? <br />Buy. <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - We're in Phase I right now. Phase I is Land <br />COMMISSIONER GARNER - Have we gotten three million dollars? <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - No. Read to me again what you're reading from. <br />COMMISSIONER GARNER - This is a letter dated July 6th and they <br />start with Phase II. I just wonder what happened to Phase I. <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - Phase I is the land acquisition. <br />COMMISSIONER GARNER - What was the amount of money we were <br />supposed to have received. <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - We get a million two hundred thousand. <br />COMMISSIONER GARNER - Have we gotten that? <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - Yes. We haven't drawn down on it. We have the <br />grant in place and we are operating under it, we haven't needed the <br />funds yet, but we do have it in place and it is available. <br />COMMISSIONER WICKER - How much land are we talking about? <br />FRED HOBBS - There is approximately 650 acres proposed to be <br />purchased for fee simple and approximately 40 acres in navigation <br />003 <br />3 <br />