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@~$R ~ 15 rnc~ '760 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />THE COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <br />JULY 18, 1994 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County <br />of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened at 2:00 P.M. on Monday, <br />July 18, 1994, in the Commissioners Room, Lee County Government <br />Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina. A joint <br />meeting was held members of the Sanford-Lee County Joint Airport <br />Authority which consisted of the following members: Jerry Lawrence, <br />Chairman; O.A. Keller; William Pretty; Harold Pearson; and David <br />Ehmig. Airport Authority member Mack Conder was absent. <br />Commissioners present were John R. Dossenbach, Jr.; F. Hubert Garner; <br />Bertha L. Matthews; Nathan E. Paschal; Robert T. Reives; William C. <br />Stafford, Jr.; and Gordon A. Wicker. <br />Chairperson Matthews presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />e Jerry Lawrence, Chairman of the Sanford-Lee County Joint Airport <br />Authority introduced all members of the Airport Authority to the <br />Board of Commissioners. <br />Individual Commissioners asked the following questions and <br />received the following answers: <br />COMMISSIONER GARNER - Where are we at this point in the airport <br />project and what is the next step? <br />JERRY LAWRENCE - Basically we have two objectives with regards <br />to airports in general. First is the current airport and secondly is <br />the new airport. The current airport has just gone through a <br />transition period from a contract that has expired to a situation <br />where the Airport Authority is directly involved with the operations <br />of the current airport. A new Airport Manager, Wes Broers, has been <br />hired as Manager of the Sanford Airport. The main focus with the <br />current airport is basically to utilize it for industrial and <br />business aide with regards to our local industry in Lee County and <br />Sanford. We are trying to utilize this current facility more than it <br />has been in the past. <br />WES BROERS - Plans for the current airport are to continue to <br />service the twenty-eight (28) airplanes that are currently housed at <br />the facility and to try to get more individuals to move their <br />is <br />Q)1 <br />1 <br />