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e : 24 <br />Those persons identified by the law enforcement body having <br />jurisdiction as having need to possess a weapon to carry out their <br />duties when on active duty; <br />Any person may possess gasoline when the gasoline is in the tank <br />of an automobile in his or her possession; or if engaged in the <br />business of selling gasoline. <br />Access to Restricted Areas <br />1. The chief law enforcement officer within the jurisdiction and his or her <br />subordinates may restrict or deny access to any area, location, or street <br />where such a restriction is necessary in order to help overcome this <br />emergency or to prevent the emergency from worsening. These <br />restrictions on access shall be indicated by means of barricades, posted <br />notices, or orders to anyone in the area. <br />2. No person shall obtain access or attempt to obtain access to any area, <br />location, or street to which the chief law enforcement officer within the <br />jurisdiction or his or her subordinates have restricted access according to <br />the above directive. <br />3. The chief law enforcement officer within the jurisdiction and his or her <br />subordinates may allow such personnel as needed, entry to the restricted <br />area in order to help overcome this emergency or to prevent the <br />emergency from worsening. <br />Evacuation <br />1. The lead elected official for the jurisdiction and or his or her designee has <br />determined that, in the best interest of public safety and protection, it is <br />necessary to voluntarily evacuate the civilian population from the following <br />areas: South of Hwy. #78 and South Horner Blvd. Voluntary evacuation is <br />to occur as soon as possible. <br />I further proclaim that the Emergency Operations Plans adopted by the <br />jurisdiction and all applicable mutual assistance compacts and agreements are in <br />effect and shall remain in effect until this proclamation expires or is rescinded. All <br />emergency management personnel are hereby ordered to cooperate in the <br />implementation of the provisions of the Comprehensive Emergency Operations <br />Plan and all applicable mutual assistance compacts and agreements, and to <br />furnish assistance thereunder. <br />