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2011 - 04-18-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 04-18-2011 Reg. Meeting
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5/9/2011 2:19:23 PM
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5/9/2011 2:16:50 PM
Board of Commissioners
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LcF ?4 ft <br />b. File Processed Accounts: When TMA through Discovery Services receives a completed <br />and signed Listing Form, the Listing Form will be processed to include values for previous <br />years based on date of acquisition and proper depreciation as a Final Product and defined as <br />a "File Processed Account" <br />7. Training: If requested by COUNTY, TMA will provide training to designated County personnel <br />on TMA's Discovery Services methodology. <br />8. Management Reporting: TMA shall provide to COUNTY a Project Manager. The Project <br />Manager will be responsible for reporting progress, program results, problems and resolutions, and <br />other general reporting functions to a designated COUNTY representative. TNIA shall make the <br />Project Manager available on a regular basis to provide such reporting as necessary to allow the <br />COUNTY to realize all program progress and provide status reports. <br />2. COST AND PAYMENT FOR DISCOVERY SERVICES <br />All expenses incurred by TMA in performing Discovery Services pursuant to this Agreement including, but <br />not limited to, travel, food, lodging, mileage, and salaries shall be the responsibility of TMA. COUNTY will <br />be responsible for providing TMA with letterhead, envelopes, and other office materials stamped with the <br />COUNTY logo to complete correspondence on all accounts for Discovery services. <br />A. Discovery Fee: The COUNTY shall pay to TMA, for the services furnished under this Agreement, a <br />"Fee" for each business location discovered and processed by TMA, defined as the Final Product and <br />described in Subsection 6 -6a. The Fee for Final Product shall be forty -five percent (45 %) of <br />COUNTY taxes, penalties, interest and fees billed to the Discovered Business when the <br />"Cumulative Account Value," defined as the reported or estimated true cash value of all taxable <br />personal property owned by a Discovered Business, summed for all taxable years discovered, is equal to <br />or greater than the Lower Threshold, as described below in Subsection c. <br />a. Cumulative Account Value Adjustments: The Cumulative Account Value may be adjusted on <br />Estimated Accounts at the discretion of the COUNTY. TMA has no authority and expressly denies <br />any right to place a value or to make an assessment on any property within the COUNTY. <br />Cumulative Account Value Adjustments on File Processed Accounts may likewise be made at the <br />discretion of the COUNTY, including the option not to include previous years. However, TMA will <br />charge a Fee on File Processed Account Final Product based on the Cumulative Account Value <br />originally reported by TMA to the COUNTY. Errors which are the fault of TVIA processing, <br />keystroke errors, or other miscellaneous errors which are not reflective of fact will be corrected and <br />all Fees adjusted accordingly. <br />b. New Accounts The COUNTY will be responsible for supplying TMA with an electronic file <br />containing all personal property accounts currently on the COUNTY's tax roll. From the date of <br />transmission forward all additional accounts added to the rolls will be billable by T1vlA to COUNTY <br />until the Discovery Services cease. <br />e. Lower Threshold TNLA agrees to allow the COUNTY to select a lower threshold of personal <br />property value as the Cumulative Account Value to be equal to or less than [ .00]. <br />Any account with a reported, estimated, or assumed value below this threshold will not be processed <br />by TMA, and will not be a billable account. TMA will return information on accounts meeting the <br />definition of this section in a tabular format to the COUNTY, but will not process the account or <br />attempt to collect more information about these locations or business operations. <br />
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